05. planning

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Come out and haunt me, I know you want me

- apocalypse, cigarettes after sex -

ー ❀ ー

the final exam was approaching, and so was the annual cultural festival. being a senior also means that it's your last year in here. you can't help but think how the time flew so fast. aside from studying, everyone was getting busy with planning on what to do during the day, including your class. the only difference was your classmates focused more on planning than studying.

well... i shouldn't be surprised.

it's still early to prepare since the festival was going to take place after the examination but surely everyone will get right on to it after it ended. you huffed and just stared at your classmates as they were busy discussing ideas.

despite being in the last class, everyone has their own special abilities. one of them is kaeya, he is an expert in sword fighting. aside from that, rumors said that he's a hidden prince from a certain nation, which you thought was absurd. a player like him? a prince? nonsense.

moving on to tartarglia, whose real name is ajax, who refers himself as childe, or 'tarts' , the nickname that your classmates gave him. with his height benefits, both him and itto became the stars of the basketball team in just a short time aka the celebrities from the last class.

next, rosaria, a good looking lady with a mysteriously charming aura. she looked bored and sleepy most of the times but behind that look, she has an amazing speed when running which made her the star of the track team. meanwhile, the popular trio - razor, bennett and fischl are the stars from the theater club. their acting is amazing thus you're not surprised when their club never had one failed show.

and you, the famous y/n known for being a cheeky delinquent is a talented bass guitarist. you weren't particularly interested in joining clubs but often hangout with the music club's members, xinyan and yunjin.

"kaeya, i told you many times that we're NOT doing the maid cafe!" mona, the class representative exclaimed.

"aww, but i want to wear a maid dress..." he replied with a fake sulk which made you chuckled. later, he earned a smack on his head by mona.

"any more ideas?"

"hutao hutao! haunted hou-"

"no. what else?"

you all broke into laughter when hutao got ignored by mona. the girl is known for being a horror enthusiast. sometimes, she would text you at midnight to go for an 'adventure' as she said. ghost busting is another way to describe it.

"how about photo booths? we could prepare costumes and ask them to pay for a picture." childe suggested.

mona held her chin and think for a moment.

"brilliant, tarts. i could plan the booths and decorations, but who's going to be the photographer?"

everyone turned to look at the sulking hutao, including you. she returned the gaze by raising her eyebrows.

"considering the fact that you always have a camera with you for catching 'ghost' , i think you'd be perfect for this job." childe said. hutao on the other side shook her head, disagreeing with him.

"not a chance, tarts. this camera is special for catching ghost only." she said while hugging her camera.

"but have you caught one?"

"n-no, but-"

"it's decided then! next, who's gonna take care of the costumes?" hutao gasped when she got ignored once again. you only laughed looking at the poor girl.

"i know a way." fischl said, making everyone's attention turned to her.

"the theater club has a connection with a tailor, but since we'll be busy with our club too... we need someone to discuss the matter with her."

"nice one, fishie. we need to discuss this with the tailor. so, is there any volunteers?"

"mona, first - i forbid you to call me fishie since it sounds like you're calling me a fish, which i am not. second, i think y/n should go since well, how do i put it... the person is quite troublesome to handle." fischl said and turned to look at you, making you raised your eyebrows.

"is it who i think she is?" you asked and she slowly nodded, causing you to facepalm yourself while everyone looked at you both with confusion. they all were asking who was the person which neither you nor fischl cared to answer.


"fine, i'll talk to her." after a long silence, you answered with a sigh.

although you weren't particularly interested in the cultural festival, parts of you still wanted to participate in helping your classmates. seeing the joy in their eyes gave you a sense of comfort. usually, every year is the same - cafe, haunted house, concert, food stalls and yada yada. since it's your last year in the school, you thought that it wouldn't hurt to join once so you did.

this better be interesting.

and so, a few days have passed since the last discussion with your classmates and right now, you are standing in front of a perfume shop, a bit sweating from the hot weather. you fought with yourself whether to come in or not until a tall woman with a brunette hair came into your view, greeting you with a wide grin.

"my my, look who's here~ why are you standing outside? come in. we don't want anyone to be kidnapped now, don't we?"

[C] 𝕳𝐎𝐌𝐄 . yae mikoWhere stories live. Discover now