I have you everything I knew to give
And for the longest, it seemed like we had something.
You seemed so happy.
And so was I.
But somewhere, it all went wrong.
Something wasn't clicking like it should.
Somewhere we were broken.
But I didn't know how to fix it.
And neither did you.
But for some reason, we were angry.
Our pleasure just wasn't the same.
You weren't as involved and it didn't feel nice anymore.
Our kisses felt cold.
And our love felt hollow.
You'd ask me what was wrong.
But I didn't have an answer.
I'd stare back with a frustrated look
Wishing I knew what to tell you.
And you'd frown and shake your head
Because you wanted things to work.
You wanted to fix what was wrong
Because that's what you do in relationships.
But neither of us had an answer
So you couldn't.
And now I risk losing you
And I wish so hard that I knew what to do.