36| Belle In Faze |

436 97 51

Amina woke up with a stomach ache, it was her time of the month. She couldn't help but she check her phone to confirm it again. It turned out to be what she has feared. She didn't come with any tampons with her to Abuja and she isn't in Maiduguri that she will just go and ask Kaka for it or go buy it herself. She is in her uncle's house and she is sure he won't appreciate her going out the way she likes.


Yes, Halima will definitely help her out. She is the only she can ask for help, the rest are all useless in this situation, she can't tell them.

She won't be able to do it.

Amina get off her bed quickly and without even thinking twice she entered Halima's room, she met her on her bed typing something away on her phone. Halima abruptly looked up to see who was the one who barged into her room without whacking on the door.

Well, who else if not Amina.

Amina smiled nervously fidgeting with her fingers, she tends to do that whenever she is nervous. "Morning."She beamed, and Halima rolled her eyes keeping her phone down.

"Now what?"Halima asked, with a sly smile.

Amina mentally shook her head, why did she eve come here; she thought biting her lower lip.

"I uh...need pad.."

Halima cut in, "I don't have it, okay. Now get out of my room."She didn't care if she sounded rude or not, she is just saying the truth, she doesn't have it.

Amina opened her mouth to talk but they closed on their own, what would she say to her ? Nothing. She left quietly to her room.

"Ya Allah isn't this enough reason for me to hate Abuja, I just want to go back home, I'll call up Kaka later I can't handle all this anymore."

Amina fell flat on her bed, it didn't take long for her phone to start ringing, it was her best friend Humaira, she had thought it was Kaka but she will make sure she phone her and complain about everything to her, she will add her own too.

"Yo Yo Yo!!!"Humaira yelled into the phone, and Amina faked a smile. Humaira won't be able to see the smile but it'll help her feel less worried about how messed up her life is.

"Guess what?"

"You know I'm not good at guessing, and I'm also not in the mood, so just say it."Amina rubbed her forehead lightly.

"Then this is not the good time, let's cheer you up first."Humaira stated, and Amina rolled her eyes.

She is really tired, and in dire need of sleep, she don't need anyone to cheer her up as long as they can't wash away her sorrows for her, it's useless.

"You know what Humaira, I'll call you back."Amina hanged up before waiting for her reply. A message came in quickly.

Hey, sorry just wanted to tell you I'm in Abuja at my Aunt's house, see you soon!

Amina managed to smile before keeping her phone away, she really can't wait to meet Humaira, finally someone to rant out her worries to. She dragged her fluffy pillow and laid her head on it, hoping that she will be able to sleep despite the pain she is feeling.

Kaka's homemade remedy is the best for cramps. If only she was in Maiduguri then everything would've been alright, and not like this.

A soft knock came on the door, Amina groaned and yelled out to whoever was knocking on her door. "Go away!"

But whoever it is doesn't seem to understand the language she used. Amina unwilling get off her bed and dragged herself to the door to check who is disturbing her peace of mind.

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