Uka was pleased to have Lilian on his journey with him. She would entertain him with stories of old legends (which Uka never thought were true) and jokes. She had also, convinently, brought with her, her own supplies and food, as well as some money. How had he not noticed the unusual looking bags on his cart?
"So what is it like, outside the savanah?" She asked curiously.
"Well, for a start, it is almost never as hot, and there are many different animals" thinking about it, Uka realised he had never really seen anything but wild boar in the savanah, "there are towns and cities everrywhere, and roads connecting all of them together." He continued.
"Wow" Lilian said in awe. Uka never really found it amazing but this was the first time Lilian had left her little village.It had taken hours to travel out of the savanah and Seed needed to rest. They stopped at an inn just outside the savanna, where the grass turned from a dark yellow to a green. The inn was a big circular building with little square rooms coming out from the sides. There was a detached stable for horses and carts and there was a stable lad scooping up some horse droppings into a bucket.
Lilian nodded a hello to him before they walked inside.The inn greeted them with floaty music played by a bard on a wind pipe, while many people sat at the tables, laughing and drinking mead. The crackle of the fire warmed up the place in comparison to outside. It was a beutiful sight to see.
A man was scrubbing the front counter when they walked in, "we 'av fresh food for the hungre and mead for the thirste, or ye could rent out a room, what will it be?"
He then looked up, "ey, yer that bloke who came by months ago, sleeping in that horse drawn cart o' yers. Come back with that pretty little lady eh? One wouldna' think that such a spiny young man such as yerself would pick up a gorgeous woman so quickly! Hehe..."
Uka felt Lilian move uncomfortably to the complement.
"May i have two rooms and a spot for my horse outside, just for the night, sa'?"
"Ay, son, 20 coins, tha'al be, and those rooms are yers! For the night that is."Quickly pulling the shiny, round coins out of his pouch, he placed them on the table. The man guestured to two rooms to the side of the building, then shouted for the stable lad outside to deal with Seed.
"Will people always think that I'm your lady?" Lilian asked when they got away, standing in front of their rooms.
"Ay, pretty much. If you are caught with a woman who is not your mother or sister, people will assume that you two are due to be married in a week!"
"People outside the savanah are wierd" she concluded, before entering her room and shutting the door.
Stories (Book 1/3)
AdventureThe history of Irm and stories of long ago. Uka sets out on a journey to protect his land and stop it from the brink of destruction in the hands of Yeg. (Irm is the planet where this is set) this is the first book of the trilogy Stories, Dreams, Mem...