So here's the deal: you are going to vomit, you might get lucky and not do it a lot or you could be the one doing it all the time. Get in the habit of putting an extra outfit somewhere close by and bringing a bucket or bag with you. I guarantee they will come in handy. I used to feel fine one minute and get sick the next and I would end up puking wherever I could. Sometimes I made the bathroom but a lot of the times it ended up being in the car or the sidewalk or even the floor trying to get to the bathroom. A time or two I even ended up getting some on myself and was at an appointment. So make it a little easier for yourself and put a bucket by where you will be, keep one in the car, and set clothes aside you never know when they will come in handy.
All Cancer Sucks, But These Tips Don't
Não FicçãoThe title says it all but I hope from sharing some of my own experience and the helpful tips I learned along the way will be able to help others........Please know in no way shape or form am I looking for any pity from anyone these are just tips tha...