Chapter 1:The Betrayal

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Narrator POV:

Okay so when Izuku was diagnosed quirkless he wasn't bullied but instead everyone protected him and after sometime All Might aka Toshinori Yagi his step-father gave him a quirk it's name was One For All and after years of training he could control 86% of it but he noticed something that him and his father don't look anything alike and so he went to see if he is his father but when he found out he wasn't he planned a plan to find his real dad and at the age of 14 he found him but told him to keep it a secret cause he could tell something bad will happen to Izuku in the future. So when he got accepted into UA he made friends and had started dating Momo Yaoyorozu in secret only Izukus dad know and Momos parents know that they are dating and Izuku helps Momos parents with their business. So after sometime someone framed him now let's se what happens.

Izuku and Momo were walking back to the dorms as Izuku looked at Momo and said.

Izuku:Mi-Chan I have a bad feeling today something bad will happen so go and call my Dad and Call Uncle Zawa.

Momo:Okay Zuzu just please be careful.

Izuku:Don't worry I will. *he kissed her on the lips*. Now go.

Momo went to call them as Izuku went into the dorms but everything was dark until.

Izuku:Hey gu--

He was then knocked ot by Kirishima.

Kirishima:Shut up traitor. Hurry up guys tie him up fast.

As they tied him up to a chair as he wakes up and said.

Izuku:HUH?!! What's going on why am I tied--AGGH

He was hit by Kirishima.

Kirishima:Shut up traitor.

Izuku:Huh! Traitor wha--GAHH

He was then hit by a explosion.

Katsuki:Shut it Deku!!

Izuku:Why are you doing this to me I didn't do anything wrong.

Izumi:Really then what is this. *she showed him a picture of "him" getting files and killing someone*

Izuku:That's not ME!!!

But they didn't listen as they started to beat him up. And then he saw All Might and Inko come in as Inko hit Izku and All Might said.

AM:I KNEW IT WAS WRONG CHOOSING YOU. *he took a hair piece and then hit Izuku*

Inko:You are not my son.

This words shattered him. But what they didn't know Nezu and The other Pros heard them and saw them beating Izuku. Then Aizawa burst through the door angry as everyone who beat Izuku were scared.

Aizawa:What did you do to my Nephew!!?

Momo came in as she burst into tears as she ran to Izuku and hugged him crying.

Momo:Zuzu wake up please.

Izuku:Momo sorry but I don't think I can make it. All I wanted to start a family with you and to be with you happy but I guess this is good by. *he then went unconscious but then when he went unconscious he started to heal and have tattoos all over his body and everyone was shocked by this then he started to open his eyes and they saw he now had tattoos and 4 eyes*

He then started to laugh.

He then started to laugh

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Momo:ZUZU!! *crying*

Sukuna:Huh! Who are you!?

Momo:Zuzu it's me Momo.

Sukuna:Look I am sorry but I am not him he is sleeping right now.

Aizawa:Then who are you?

Sukuna:I am Sukuna The King Of Curses.

As the pros heard his name they were scared and started to panic as they knew who Sukuna was.


Sukuna:Hehehe! Don't worry I won't hurt you because I can't I only here to tell you that Izuku will be my reincarnation and he will have another one.

As the Pros were shocked that Izuku is the reincarnation of Sukuna.

Aizawa:Is that all. *sukuna nods*. If that's all bring my Nephew back then we need to show this f*ckers he isn't the traitor.

Sukuna:Sure just make it quick cause we need to train him cause we don't have much time.

As Sukuna returned back Izuku. As Izuku started to wake up and saw that he was healed and saw his Uncle.

Aizawa:Izuku Hinata here will brainwash you so you could be proven innocent.


Hinata went to him.

Hinata:Hey Izu onii-chan how was your day?

Izuku:Okay I gus--

Hinata:Got him now ask him dad.

Aizawa:Okay Izuku are you the traitor?


Aizawa:What were you doing today?

Izuku:I went with Mi-Chan to her place to help her parents with their business and then went on a date with her.

Aizawa:Okay that's that.

As Hinata released Izuku as the one's who beat him were guilty.

Aizawa:There you have it plus why would he need to steal files when he has his own notebooks with everyones weaknesses and etc.

Nezu speaker:You all will receive punishment when he wakes up I would love to expel you all but knowing Izuku he wouldn't want you to be expelled. And as for All Might and Inko your punishment will be worse.

As Izuku was passed out as Aizawa, Hinata and Momo went to Recovery Girl.

Recovery Girl:I know what happened lay him down on the bed so I can check him.

Momo:C-can I stay here *sniff* with him.

Recovery girl:Sure.

As Momo waited for him as she called her parents and told them what happened as they were pissed of what they did to their Future Son-In-Law. And after that we see that Momo received a message from Izukus Dad.

Hisashi:Momo please take care of him till I get back to Japan right now I am still at France waiting for my flight but I will try my best to get there as fast as possible.

Momo:Okay father. (yes Momo calls him father cause he sees her as his daughter and daughter-in-law)

Momo:Please Zuzu wake up as soon as possible so we can start our life together as a Family.

She then went to sleep hugging him tightly.

The end of this Chapter

Next Chapter:The Meeting And Training

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