Chapter 3:The Fight And Leaving

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No one POV
We see now Izuku waking up from his meeting and training with Gojo and Sukuna and now he has white hair he looks like Gojo but when he activates his tattoo he looks like Sukuna and Gojo.

Izuku:Huh?! Where am I? Wait Mi-chan where is she is she okay?!

Just after he said that he felt something heavy on him but then when he looked who it was Momo.

Izuku:Thank god your okay Mi-chan.

And just then Momo wakes up.

Momo:*closed eyes* please wake up Zuzu.

Then she opened her eyes and she immediately recognised the man she was on top of as she hugged him crying.

Momo:Zuzu!? Your okay and what happened to you. You look different.

Izuku:It's okay Mi-chan don't worry and let's just say that I don't need a quirk cause this powers what I have right now are the most powerful thing and my looks changed.

Momo:Well that great but please don't make me worried so much please it hurts me when you are hurt. *crying*

Izuku:I am sorry Mi-chan I promise to not make you worry again.

Momo:You better.

Izuku:Now please stop crying I don't want to see you sad.

Momo:Fine I will stop just please don't do that again.

Izuku:Don't worry I won't cause I won't be staying here and if you want you could come with me.

Momo:What do you mean Zuzu. Are you leaving UA and more importantly Me.

Izuku:Why would I leave the love of my life and also yes I am leaving UA so wanna come with me.

Momo:Sure plus I don't want "them" to be near you or me just cause some stupid photo.

Izuku:I love you Mi-chan. *kisses her*

Momo:I love you too Zuzu. *kisses back*

So after some moment Aizawa went in and they stopped.

Aizawa:Okay who the hell are you white hair and where is my Nephew!?

Izuku:Wow Uncle Zawa I am hurt you don't know me. *fake crying*

Aizawa:Oh stop with the fake crying and wth happened to you--WAIT is this what Sukuna meant when he and another guy will train you.

Izuku:Wow you know about Sukuna and yes he and another person trained me.

Aizawa:Wow I am impressed and of course I and some pros know about Sukuna we al thought he was a legend and a myth.

Izuku:Well he is real and the other person was Gojo Satoru.

Aizawa:GOJO!!? He was training you too.

Izuku:By your reaction I guess you know who he is also.

Aizawa:Of course he was the one who defeated Sukuna. But anyways now that's out of the way Nezu said that you can decide any punishment for "them".

Izuku smirked like Sukuna.

Izuku smirked like Sukuna

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