Chapter 13: Final Boss And Epilogue

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As Izuku wake up he sees his wives all hugging him

Izuku: Today is the day I'll end this and we can finally be at peace

As Izuku got ou of bed without waking up his Wives as he then looks at them

Izuku: Now time to find the strongest curse

As Izuku then tried to sense the largest curse energy as he felt the energy but also felt alot of other energy but they were so weak as he then teleports to see

Every hero and villain down on the ground he also sees his past

Izumi: I-Izuku r-run his to *cough blood* s-strong!

Izuku only looked at her in disappointment

Izuku: Shut up will you your annoying af

Inko: Don't talk to your si---

Izuku cut her off

Izuku: Shut up she isn't my sister and your not my family

Izuku then turns toward the curse

Izuku: It's time to end you

The curse then rushed at Izuku as Iuzku actives his barrier but the curse still hit Izuku as Izuku was surprised

Izuku: 'it can hit me even with Infinity on'

The curse then went and tried to punch Izuku again but Izuku managed to dodge

Izuku: 'Shit I gotta end this quickly or else I'm doomed I still don't know the limit of my powers but I'll risk it all just for peace'

As the curse was about to finish Izuku with his strongest attack but Izuku used his destruction to grab his hand and said

Izuku: HAKAI!

As the curse screeched in pain as it disappeared into dust and then nothingness

Izuku on the other hand was panting heavily as he used alot of his energy

Izuku: Damn that took alot of my energy but at least it's ovor now and now I'll be the hope for the Quirkless and the weak and help them with curse energy but only the good one's

And after that even Izuku had become the world's #1 hero and the hope ofor the Quirkless as he teaches them Curse Energy and also saved his grandfather and his kids have power's like him and their mother's as also he forgave his past but said he didn't want to be friends and family

Izuku: It doesn't matter if you have Powers or not what matters is the heart and will and anyone can become a hero!

The End

Sorry guys for not updating often😔

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