Chapter 6: Meeting And Punishment

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No ones POV

We see now it's the next day Izuku and his girlfriends or soon to be Wives waking up

Izuku: Good morning girls

Girls: Good morning Zuzu/Ikki/Izu/Zuku/Darling/Ichan

Izuku: Did you sleep well?

Akame: Yes we did Zuku

Esdeath: Thanks for asking Izu

Izuku: No problem now let's get up and start our day

Girls: Okay!

As they get up

Girls: So did you decide what are you going to be doing now that you don't want to be a hero anymore?

Izuku: I will still be a hero but I will be your hero and I will try to find Jujutsu Tech cause I heard it was here in France somewhere and be a Jujutsu Sorcerer and maybe become a singer

As the girls know how good he can sing and blush

Girls: That a great idea and will be there to support you

Izuku: I know and that why I love you. You always there for me when I need you now let's get our day started

Girls: Soo what do you have planned?

Izuku: First we need to tell our parents that we are in a relationship and then will go to the mall and have fun

Girls: Great!

As they got ready and ate breakfast and now they are going to meet up with their parents

The girls were nervous

Izuku: Hey don't be nervous

The girls calmed down

Izuku: Good now let's get this over with and get to the mall

Girls: Hai!

As they entered Stella's House to see their parents there

Ms. Vermilion: Stella what is it that you wanted to talk to us about?

Stella: Well ummm

Izuku: We wanted to tell you all that we are dating

Mr. Vermilion: Yes we know you and Momk are dating

Izuku: No I mean me and the girls all of us are dating

The room was filled in silence then

Hisashi: Hahahhahaha! Finally! What did I tell you that my son will be with your daughters and I was right! Hahah I am so proud of you my son

Esdeath: So umm what do yo--

Esdeath's dad: We don't want him to be your boyfriend

Esdeath: But dad

Esdeath's mom: Let us finish. As we said we don't want Izuku to be your boyfriend but we want him to be your Husband

The girls blushed and didn't mind Izuku being their husband

Izuku: Well I wouldn't mind that at all but I don't want to force t--

He couldn't finish what he was talking

Girls: We accept!!

Izuku: Huh?

Izuku: Huh?

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