Chapter 12: The Plan

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It was the middle of the night and everyone is asleep except izuku

Izuku: Time to go patrol the city I can't have curses around and causing trouble and I need a Plan to stop this curses for good

As izuku then went to the computer and tried finding a way to stop curses or seals but he couldn't find anything

Izuku: Tch! Dammit there isn't anything about seals or to stop these curses

??? : Oh come on kid it's really easy

Izuku: Huh who's there?!

Izuku then was pulled into his mindscape

??? : Did you already forget about me kid huh?

Then Izuku recognized the voice

Izuku: S-Sukuna

Sukuna: Finally you remember

Izuku: I though you were gone forever?

Sukuna: I'm not remember your my and that idiots reincarnation and plus I'll help you out this one time

Izuku: So do you have any idea on how to stop this curses once and for all

Sukuna: Yeah

Izuku: Then tell me how?

Sukuna: You need to defeat the strongest curse among all of them and then when you defeat him the curses wil disappear slowly till nothing is left of them

Izuku: Really that easy I though it wou--

Sukuna: It's not easy even if you have mine and the idiots powers it's still not enough

Izuku: So how do I defeat it?

Sukuna was about to say something

???? : By finding your own curse technique

Izuku turns around to see Gojo

Gojo: Yo!

Izuku: What do you mean my own curse technique?

Sukuna: As he said you need to find your own curse technique

Gojo: As you know everyone has some curse energy in them but when we first met you we saw something like a seal waiting for the right time to be broken as we could see the curse energy from it and it's one hell of an energy I'll say

Izuku: Okay so how do we do this?

Sukuna: 'We' do nothing it's you who needs to do it?

Izuku: And how do I do it?

Gojo: Come on Izuku think about it

Izuku started to think as Sukuna was getting angry

Sukuna: Tchh! You use curse energy on it so it can break!

Izuku: Ohhh!

Gojo: I was thinking of punching it till it broke

Sukuna: Idot! How the hell will punching it work!

Gojo: I don't know but punching stuff always works

Izuku: Okay enough now I need to focus on the seal then after it's done you can continue

As Izuku then started to focus his curse energy on the seal but still wasn't enough then he remembered how he got betrayed and bullied and neglected his whole life as he started to get angry as the seal started to break a little but the he remembered his family as he calms down as the energy started to flow calmly and all of a sudden a


As the seal broke

Izuku: Wow I feel alot powerful

Gojo: Wow kid your just wow

Izuku:Huh what's the matter?

Sukuna: Yeah idiot!

Gojo: You won't believe this his curse technique is....... Creation And Destruction


There was silence for a moment and then

Sukuna: Hahahahahaha! Now kid you won't have to worry about defeating the strongest curse or villain

Izuku: Damn how much more overpowered will the author make me?

Izuku: Damn I'm OP as fuck

Gojo/Sukuna: Yeah you think

Izuku: Anyways I gotta go now see you guys

Chapter Done!

Next Chapter: Final Boss And Epilogue

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