Chapter 2:The Meeting And Training

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Izuku POV
I wake up in a dark place I thought it was OFA but then I remembered what happened.

Izuku:Why why why what did I do to deserve this but at least I have Mi-chan, Uncle Zawa, Hinata, my Dad and Mi-chans parents.

But then I saw two figures approaching me and when I saw someone with tattoos I then remembered I have read about him then I started to shake in fear a little.

Sukuna:Wow. I am impressed kid that you know about me.

Izuku:Of course I do you are The King Of Curses Ryomen Sukuna.

White Hair guy:Wow your very interesting kid but anyways my name is--

Gojo:Gojo Satoru nice to meet you.

Sukuna:You already know who I am and for the love of stop shaking I won't kill you and same goes for this idiot.

Gojo:Hey don't be so mean.

Sukuna:Yeah yeah what ever.

While they were talking I started to calm down and asked them.

Izuku:Umm excuse me Mr Sukuna and Gojo but why am I here?

Gojo:Oh yeah we almost forgot well you se your our reincarnation and we are here to train you.

Sukuna:First this idiot will train you then I will train you also when you wake up you will look like us but combined and be stronger then us so let's get started.

Gojo:Will train you 10000 years me 5000 years then when your finished your training with me you will train with Sukuna for 5000 years.


Sukuna:Stop shouting time works different 10000 years here is 10 hours.

Izuku:Oh okay let's begin my training then.

Gojo training
He trained Izuku how to control cursed energy and six eyes, infinity, cursed technique blue, red and hollow purple and Domain expansion everything Gojo knew he thought Izuku also Izuku learned to be confident and acts like Gojo.

Sukuna training
He trained Izuku how to use his powers and Izuku acts like Sukuna to others except the ones he loves and cares.

Also here is how Izuku looks like now.

Izuku:Thanks for your help and training me

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Izuku:Thanks for your help and training me.

Sukuna:It's no problem kid.

Gojo:Yeah so I guess this is goodbye.

Izuku:What do you mean goodbye you will still be here in my mindscape.

Then both Sukuna and Gojo started to fading.

Sukuna:We won't we were only here cause we wanted to train you and we can't stay here cause we're already dead.

Izuku:Please don't go.

Gojo:Heh sorry kid but we can't also you have a wife to return to so go and remember will be always with you.

They fade away I started to wake up.


The end of this Chapter

Next Chapter:The Fight And Leaving

Sorry for make this Chapter short

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