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"Things should be rather different now

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"Things should be rather different now..here let me help you, darling" Nicco was in the middle of a phone call with who he said was his assistant, Alejandro, but he insisted on helping me get dressed. No matter how many times I told him that I didn't need much help, I think he wanted to help anyways.

He holds his cellular device with his left hand as he uses his right hand to help adjust my dress, subtly copping a feel of my ass in between his words.

"I'm sure Acadia will be big in Paris. I've already booked a flight there to have a few meetings and get the feel of things there. We're putting the new location right where the bakery burned down..yeah it'll be like a new and improved sort of thing" Nicco pulled away, causing me to turn around and catch his eyes right as they lifted from my rear.

I don't have much of an ass so I am confused on what's so fascinating.

He gives me a very small and subtle smile before moving off towards the side where he went into his closet. This is just what I needed, Nicco to be on my back as I got ready to meet and have dinner with his parents. I'm a bit nervous if I'm being truthful, but he says I have nothing to worry about. He's been trying to keep me calm.

Nicco has had the dress and shoes he wanted me to wear set out for me ever since he bought the expensive items, which were conveniently next to where his choice of clothing were. Tonight he wore a pair of dark grey dress pants, a black shirt to match with his black shoes and silver rings. He had me wear a cute black dress, something that wasn't tightly fitted, with small heels that didn't show any of my toes. He also suggested that I wore the cute jewelry he had gotten me, and I didn't refuse.

"Are you all set? We should leave now" Nicco walks from his closet where he is holding a small black box in one hand, his cell phone in the other.

I nod to him, keeping my eyes against the black box as he walks closer to me. He quickly but smoothly slides his phone into the pocket of his pants before his hand comes to contact with my scalp, gripping at my roots. My eyes shoot up to his and his face is almost expression less.

"You're almost as pink as me, darling. Trust me, you will be fine" he gently massages my scalp as he speaks to me and I can't help but think that this is some kind of tactic to help make me relax, and it works a bit. I relax into his hand and he smiles at me as if I were a cute puppy. I smile a bit as he leans towards me, placing a small kiss against my lips.

"You're so cute, kitten" he mumbles as he pulls away from me.

His hand falls from my hair and he runs his palm flat against it to fix it, nearly smiling through entire time.

"By the way I'm not nervous, I have on blush" I lie directly through my teeth. He raises his eyebrows a bit before nodding as if he were playing along.

"I'm sorry I forgot darling. I did see you applying a bit earlier, silly me". He finally pulls back completely before turning around and I use this time where he's not looking at me to roll my eyes. I know for a fact he can see right through me, but it's embarrassing. Here he is telling me that I have nothing to worry about and I feel as if I may throw up.

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