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The feeling of Sienna's legs overlapping my shoulders, her legs are soft and freshly shaven, giving her legs a beautiful glow to her brown skin

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The feeling of Sienna's legs overlapping my shoulders, her legs are soft and freshly shaven, giving her legs a beautiful glow to her brown skin. Her legs slide back and forth as she is on her back, gripping the sheets, her soft moans panting as she is on the verge of letting herself go. Her moans are all choked up, trying to grasp everything that's happened so far.

My hands wrap around her waist, gripping at the skin I love so much. She is soft. A very soft woman. But they slide up as she continues to move, uncontrollably doing so. I don't stop my hands as they go up her sides, I only guide them. With her left hand now softly gripping at my wrist I push my hands further up, my hands now making their way to her breasts. I softly caress them as I know everything about her is soft, even the slightest thing will bruise her pretty skin. My palm rests on her breasts and her hands quickly move to cup over my own hands.

She holds them there, squeezing lightly as she moans my name, letting me know that she is going to come. She wants a release. She deserves a release for putting up with my family-my brother specifically. Her body was so tense when I first touched her, even when we were at the dinner table. I could tell that the questions were a bit too much. She's had to share her entire life story with my family, even I learned a few things.

By now the room is only filled with the two of us-my brother left once I gave him the look. I didn't actually want to give him the joy of seeing her beautiful face when she moaned, but showing him that I had her was needed since he tried to make a pass on her. Offering her money to sleep with him like she's some kind of whore is ridiculous. If he knew Sienna a bit more he would know that she'd never stoop that low. Hell, she barely even likes to take items from me.

"Yes" her sweet voice moans to me. Her voice is like one of an Angel's, so soft and melodic when she's close. Really in general when she speaks to me. Everything is always so soft. "Fuck".

"Come on my fingers, kitten" I tell her as her grip on my wrist tightens further. She deeply exhales before taking a quick and sharp inhale, preparing to let herself go. And then it's like magic. Pure magic. Ecstasy.

Her vagina starts to pulse around my two fingers as they were being pushed in and out of her. Her beautiful clit starts to swell as her moans heighten for a quick second. Her sweet juices seep out of her hole even faster than before and I can't help but suck up every bit of her. She tastes so heavenly.

Her legs quiver subtly as I continue to lick her clit, wanting to be sure that she was being pushed directly through her orgasm. I've had an orgasm interrupted before and it doesn't exactly feel good. It's basically wasted potential.

The moment her voice quiets down I know that she has been relieved. Her legs unstiffen and she lets out a deep and hard breath.

I pull my fingers from inside of her as I slowly lift up, now being able to fully see the beauty in front of me. Her eyes are doe like as she stares into mine. She is a sight that would take me forever to get tired of. Her brown eyes distract me and I'm only brought back to earth when she lifts her hips towards me.

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