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             +++++ PART FOUR 🔥 +++++

We all rushed into them hospital doors like when a fight finna happen at school , The doctors and nurses came looking at us and said " who are you looking for " we all said Jaylen Load and they said " okay room 230 " and we all rushed into room 230 and saw jaylen laying on the bed with his eyes opening a little by little but slowly ..

Once he opened his eyes we called for the doctor and ( ff , bc ima get emotional 😭 ) . But they said that he has to stay in the hospital for another month to get better physically and mentally and get back to his old self We all had left to give him some space , we knew they wouldn't let all of us stay in that hospital so we had went home to try to take a break from everything that was going on knowing

Knowing Desmond was in the hospital with Jaylen bc it was his lil brother and he was going to watch him for a while so you already know how that's finna go . When we got home Amir and Keoni was pacing back and forth trying to figure out who could of possibly wanted to seek revenge .

One month later from Jaylen being in the hospital and we can finally bring him home today 🔥 . Everybody was sleep because it was mad early so I looked over to see Amir sitting up and was looking at the floor with his hands in his face , I asked him what's wrong and he said " I can't believe he rlly got shot like what the fuck now we gotta go find the person who shot him & end them "  I said " okay well we can all help love "

Keoni and Desmond went to go pick Jaylen up , they take him to they house and now everybody is being overprotective over him bc of what happened ..

Amir had ran upstairs and I ran after him and i said " amir what's wrong " he said " we needa find out how tf shot my lil nigga man fuc out da way " he said yelling at me & I said " okay but don't fucking yell at me ! I wanna find out who did this too him to , we on da same team "

         𝗝𝗮𝘀𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗲 && 𝗗𝗲𝘀𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗱 𝗣𝗢𝗩 🖤

" love u okay , I asked him and he shook his head and said mane hell naw folks shot my mfn brother you think I would be okay ? . Tears started forming into my eyes and he saw and said " oh shi my bad ma , I ain't mean to yell but yk how I am about jaylen , I can't lose him " I nodded and said I understand , you ready to kill dat mfn I said .

He looked shocked and said " damn lil ma Ian know you get down like that & I said I do I just never show it bc I'm calm but I understand how it feels when sb close to u get shot .. As said that I grabbed my black hoodie and black pants and put them on while he looking at me smirking

I said " boy what is you looking at " he said " I'm looking at you 👀😫 " I said not rn love , we got some killing to do " Then as soon as I said that .. I got a text from Harmony and she asked for the description of the man who shot jaylen and I handed the phone to Desmond bc he had the best description of him .

Then after Desmond got done texting it to harmony he handed my phone back to me and he looked in the mirror and put his hands around my waist and was kissing on my neck and whisper " thank you ma for coming to check on me when I needed it " I said no problem love , I got you for life fuck 🤞🏽

( awwwww theee 4Lifersss !! 🥺♥️ I love all of them so much 🥺🥺 )

Harmony yelled out " I FOUND HIM YALL " and we all ran downstairs and said " okay now " ... we told her what to do and she did it

so she made a fake account and texted him " flirting with him " and then she asked him what he look liked without the mask and he sent a picture and she said okay do you want to meet up ??

He said yeah and he sent the addy and then after that she showed us all the messages between him and her &&

( Jasmine and Desmond pov )

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