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                 ++ PART ELEVEN 🔥 ++

Somebody had drove by their house and started shooting at they crib and then Desmond and the rest had put their all black fit on and then they all had went and opened a window from different sections and started having a shootout, Bullets went flying thru windows and thru the car windows and all, Nyla had shot at the tires but when she did the girl had spotted her and shot Nyla in the arm, she was screaming and they all rushed in the boys had started shooting at the car and they dashed away as the rest had to change they clothes and then rushed into the car while nyla was furious with blood gushing out of her arm. They made it to the hospital and rushed into the hospital yelling for a doctor and the doctor came and took nyla into the back

                 +++ Nyla POV 🔥 +++

The doctors took me in the back and mane I was ready to kill a bitch bc fucc they weird asfc for doing that, but it's coo ima get my lick back just wait till I get out dis hoe 🔥. The doctors came and told me that it wasn't bad they ain't do to much damage but I got lucky bc I coulda had my arm paralyzed, I was crying bc like they almost got my arm paralyzed from dem ugly dusty mfs. The doctors came back and said " you can only have one person in  here with you, who would you like to come back" I said " Amir " and they nodded and left and I grabbed my phone- I got cut off by Amir running thru the door nearly busting it down, and ran to me and said " mamas are you okay, what happened " he said as water filled his eyes.

I said " I'm fine , it was only a bullet that felt like a whole pain in da ass. I was ready to get my lick back so i tried to get up but my arm was hurting to much and Amir sat me right back down 🙄. I never been so pissed in my life like why can't he let me be 🥺.

Amir had whispered and said " we going on a trip after you get out of the hospital and heal " I looked at him and smiled and said okay go tell da gang as soon as I said that he went up to go open the door and they all fell, earhustling ass mfs 😂😂. Me and Amir was laughing as they all fell on top of each other so Amir had helped them up and they all sat down in each chair just chilling and Amira & Jasmine had did a tiktok while Desmond had got on live, Amir had sat in the bed with me while laying on me just chilling and Keoni was all up under Amira.

I loved their relationship and loved to see everybody happy, Issa good look 🔥, but Keoni pulled out da blunt and passed it around, mane next thing you know everybody was high asl in that hospital room just laughin at random shii with they stupid ahh . We all had fell asleep but before we fell asleep I had took a video of me and Amir laying down but I covered the face and put " no face no case ". As soon as I posted it I put my phone down and had fell asleep..

I woke up to see everybody still here and I had woke up Amir and said " I'm finna go to da bathroom " and he groaned and said mhm lowly in his deep voice. I walked and found the bathroom and went in but I felt weird like somebody was watching me but I brushed it off and turned the light on and it was a note saying on the mirror " I'm watching you, we might end up putting you in the grave "

I screamed as Amir and Desmond and Keoni rushed in and said " what happened " Look at the mfn mirror dude " I said angry asl, Desmond and Keoni and Amir looked at the mirror and said " mane fucc dat somebody prolly pranking us " But what if they not, I said to them and then they looked at each other and said " mane dens we just gon have to put some mfs in the ground and on some t shirts fuc it 😂" 

I was laughing hella hard bc it prolly is a prank so I left out and laid back down. A whole day went by without a note..

                       ** Next Day **

I woke up everybody was gone expect for Amir, I guess they went home and he stayed and waited so I went to the bathroom and checked to see if a note was there and it wasn't I was laughing bc I knew it was probably somebody just fuckin around,Ima find out who it is and forever get my lick back. The doctors came in but they saw the bed was empty and was shocked, Amir had grabbed my stuff and had carried me bridal style and I was laughing as we ran out of the hospital and jumped into the car and the drove home as the folks was chasing after us.

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