Tournament Pt.1

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The NKs(Ninja kids) arrived at the deck to aboard the boat that would take them to Chen's Island to attend the second Tournament of Elements. But they did not go alone. Their fathers plus Garmadon and Skylor insisted to go with them.

"We'll be fine!We can handle ourselves!" Crystal protested.

"You don't know this man!He's too dangerous to be trusted!" Jay argued.

"But there needs to be someone to stop him!And who else would it be if not us?!" Naila pointed out.

"We'll go and stop him.You kids go back home right now!" Lloyd told them.

"Dad!Chen's note said that only us can go!If you come with us then-" Crystal said but Cole cut her off.

"Then there will be consequences.We know." Cole said.

"Well then let us go.We don't have much time!" Caroline said.

"You kids are not going anywhere!Now come home with us before-" Garmadon said but was cut off by-

"Time is running out!Are you kids coming or quit?!" Clouse asked.

"We better go." Crystal whispered to the other NKs.

Crystal was about to turn around but Lloyd just pulled her away from the boat.

"What words did Chen use to convince you?!" Lloyd asked.

"It doesn't matter what he said!This involves Ninjago's safety!Let my arm go,dad!" Crystal answered.

"You kids are not going anywhere!It is far too dangerous!" Zane said.

"Last call!!" Clouse called.

Crystal sighed and pushed Lloyd away.

"Let's go." Crystal said to the NKs and they got on the boat.

"Sky!!Sarah!!" Skylor shouted.

But Sky and Sarah did not turn. They kept walking to the boat with their friends.

"Kids!!Get back over here right now!!" Garmadon commanded.

But the kids did not move. They only turned to them.

"Sorry,grandfather.But there's nothing you can do." Crystal said.

"Oh you really have forgotten who you are talking to!" Kai said and the ninja jumped to the boat right after it started to move away from the deck.

"Great." Crystal sighed.

"You kids have no idea what you are dealing with!" Skylor warned.

"What do you mean,mom?We're going to that island to stop this someone called Chen!" Sky said.

"You don't know who he is,Sky!Neither of you kids know who he is!" Kai protested.

"Tell us who he is then!" Naila said.

They all stood silent. But the kids noticed the look on Kai, Skylor, and Garmadon's faces.

"Why do you have those looks?" Crystal asked.

They kept silent. 

"Alright!Enough secrets!You guys know this Chen is more than just a man with a famous Noodle House!" Sarah pointed.

"M..Maybe?" Jay answered and the ninja all glared at him.

"Look,I don't think we can hide it anymore!We are already on the boat,heading for his island once again!It's time they know the truth." Jay said.

"What truth?" May asked.

Kai turned to Skylor asking what she thought. Skylor nodded to him and took a deep breath.

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