Frozen Battle Pt.1

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Thank you to @Joeloctop for the request.

The NKs(Ninja Kids) were stuck in the Never Realm, trying to find their missing friend, Sky.

Lloyd,Zane,and Kai were with them. Since they had gone to the Never Realm before, they decided to go with their kids while the rest stay in Ninjago in case something happened while they were away.

They decided to stay at the village where Sorla was. They each stayed at different cabins. 

Lloyd was with Crystal. 

Kai was with Naila.

And Zane was with Caroline.

They were told that Sky had been taken prisoner by Vex and his new Ice Emperor.

Everyone was surprised. But when they were told that there was a real Ice Emperor, their expressions became flat.

In Lloyd's Cabin.

"Crystal,I already told you not to behave like this.You need to-"

"I'm not hungry,dad!"

"Come on." Lloyd said as he walked to his daughter who kept constantly staring out of the window.

"How are you going to save your boyfriend if you-" Lloyd asked.

"Dad,I already told you.I'm not ready for that yet." Crystal reminded.

"Crystal,stop trying to hide it from me.I saw how you looked at him.Even your mother knows." Lloyd said.

"Either way,I'm not ready.Please just stop talking about it,I'm not in the mood." Crystal said.

Lloyd sighed.

"Alright.But can you at least eat?Your food is getting cold!" Lloyd said.

"Dad,I already said I'm not hungry!" Crystal started to protest.

"Crystal,stop arguing with me.Do you want to save Sky or not?!" Lloyd tried to convince.

Crystal stayed silent for a while. But realizing that her father would not stop until she ate, she decided to give in and sat on the bed.

Lloyd sat beside her and started feeding Crystal.

In Kai's Cabinet.

"Uncle Kai,please stop worrying.Sky will be alright." Naila said, trying to calm her uncle down.

"You don't even know his condition either,Naila." Kai retorted.

"I may not know.But I know you can't be worrying too much!" Naila said.

"Did your father taught you that?" Kai asked, teasing his niece a bit.

"Yeah." Naila answered.

But then Naila noticed something.

"Wait,'re laughing!!" Naila shouted and jumped to Kai.

"Well,I needed some light up." Kai defended with a small laugh.

"Well good thing you brought your niece with you!" Naila said.

"Yeah,but your mother would definitely kill me when she found out that you came with me." Kai said.

"I'll talk to her." Naila assured.

Then Kai looked out of the window. Naila noticed her uncle was frowning again.

"We'll save him,uncle." Naila assured.

"We have to.Especially now that he's with the Ice Emperor.The actual one." Kai sighed.

Naila hugged his uncle while looking out the window too. She too was worried for her cousin.

The next day, the ninja and their kids got ready to go to the Ice Castle. And Lloyd decided to get his old friend to help them. 

"Dad?Who's that?" Crystal asked.

"She's an old friend of mine.Her name is Akita.She's from the Formling Village." Lloyd introduced.

"Nice to meet you.And it sure is nice to see you ninjas again." Akita greeted.

"Nice to see you again too,Lloyd's Wolf Girlfriend." Kai joked, just to earn an angry glare from Crystal.

"1 mother is already enough,THANK YOU!!" Crystal shouted.

"Crystal,just calm down.He was only joking." Lloyd said.

"What kind of joke was that?!" Crystal snapped.

"Crystal.Remember what we came here for." Lloyd said.

Crystal sighed and calmed down.

"You're lucky my dad came with me,hothead." Crystal said.

"Crystal..!" Lloyd said as he crossed his arms.

"She's a tough one,isn't she?" Akita asked, a bit jokingly.

"Yeah..She got that from her mother." Lloyd said and they both laughed it off.

"Anyway,let's get going." Akita suggested and they began walking.

In the Ice Castle.

"What are you going to do?!" 

"Oh,you just wait,my boy!And I'm sure your little girlfriend will be...very,VERY,davastated!" 


"Oh,it's not her I'm targetting."


*evil laugh*

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