2.First day as his PS

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1 week later

      Ara's pov:

           I groaned as sunlight hitting my face and I slowly opened my eyes and saw time ,I was about to sleep again when I remembered something that today is my first day as secretary. I looked at the clock again, it's 8:15 am. Oh my god Ara are you an idiot how can you sleep like this . Office starts at 9:00 am . There is no chance you are going to office on time. I mentally face palmed myself for sleeping like there is no tomorrow. Congratulations Ara first day in your office and you are going to get fired ,well done. I sarcastically said to myself and ran into bathroom to get ready.
     After coming out from shower I'm searching for an office attire in my closet and finally after searching for which it seemed like million years I got one and quickly changed into it.

                   ( Ara's office attire)

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                   ( Ara's office attire)

I made my hair into high pony and ran out of my small apartment to take bus. That apartment is shared by me and my best friend Mina. She went to Busan with her boyfriend to meet her parents. I told her I got a job and she's so happy for me. We were best friends since high school.
       As I went to bus stop and bus is already there, for a second I'm relieved that atleast bus is not late this time. I quickly went into the bus.

      Jungkook's pov:
         I'm here waiting for my secretary. I already told her to be punctual. I hate careless people. I was about to go out of my cabin I heard a knock on the door.

   Ara: Excuse me sir
   Jungkook: Come in.
  Ara : Good morning sir. She said while looking at her fingers.
Jungkook: You are 5 mins late Ms. Kim. I told you on that day to be punctual. I hate people who doesn't care about work. So today you are going to work overtime.
Ara : O-okay sir.
Jungkook: Now will you tell me my schedule, so we can start working or are you going to stand like a statue there.
Ara: Just a min sir. She looked into her tablet and started speaking again.
  Today you are having three meetings Mr. Jeon. One at 11:00 am ,one at 2:00pm and other at 4:00 pm. And that's it.
Jungkook: OKAYY!! Now can you make me an Americano. You should be here again within 5 mins.
  Ara: Yes sir.
   I ordered her she quickly went out of my cabin. While speaking I was looking at her she is looking so innocent. Her dress is so simple but elegant. Her long hair is tied into a high pony. She's gorgeous. Okay so what. I don't care about her or her appearance.

  Ara's pov:
    He continuously scolded me for straight two minutes I guess. He didn't even let me say a word . Even if he let me to speak what reason should I give him.  That I slept like a winter bear so I was late.  If I say that he will definitely push me out of that window and next scene will be my dead body lying on the ground floor. Today is my first day and I have to work overtime. Can't he slide this thinking that this is my first day. Such a devil😏.

    Wait he told me to bring coffee with in 5 mins. Okay that's not a big deal for me because I used to work in cafe ,so I can do that😌.
  I went to cafeteria to make his Americano. His taste is also bitter just like him. I thought and made his coffee quickly and went into his cabin.

  Ara: Mr. Jeon your Americano.
  ???: So you are his personal secretary? Some one who is sitting on the couch with Mr. Jeon spoke while smiling at me. I didn't notice him while entering cabin. He's having eye smile. He's looking like an angel.
Ara : Yes sir. I'm Kim Ara. Mr. Jeon's new secretary. I told to him.
???: I'm Park Jimin. Jungkook's best friend.
Jungkook: And also Ceo of Park industries. He told while sipping his Americano.
Ara: Oh I'm sorry Mr. Park I didn't recognise you.
Jimin: Not an issue. He said while giving his angelic smile once again. While there is this devil who may be doesn't even know how to smile. So how's your first day. Is he good to you.  He asked  while looking at me.
Ara: He's rude. I -i mean he's so good to me. I said and I can feel someone glaring at me while Mr. Park is laughing. Oh god why am I like this. I should keep my mouth shut as much as possible. Well Mr. Park I have to check some important files so I'll take my leave now. I told him fastly and bowed to two of them quickly and ran out of cabin.

    Jungkook's pov:
      Jimin hyung is laughing at her cute behaviour unknowingly a smile appeared on my face but I quickly covered it and glared at him so that he can stop laughing.
    Jimin: She's is so honest. He said again while laughing.
  Jungkook: Seriously hyung, you are laughing. She literally told that I'm rude.
Jimin: Now I can say that she's truly sincere. What made her to say that you are rude?
Jungkook: I told her to work overtime. Because she's 5 mins late.
Jimin: Oh my, how can you do that it's her first day. He gasped dramatically.
Jungkook: So what if it's her first day. Work is more important for me.
Jimin: She stated the fact. You are really rude.
Hyung said again while teasing me.
Jungkook: Don't you have to meet your clients. What are you doing here . Just go and meet your clients. I said, while my tone is clearly showing that I'm irritated.
Jimin: Yeah yeah whatever. I have to meet my girlfriend so I'm leaving you now Mr. Rudeee
He teased me again and went out.
   After that I went to my first meeting and finished that successfully. After completing all my meetings finally now I can go home and rest. Before that I should inform her to check files for tomorrow. So I called her.

   On Phone:
    Ara: Hello sir
   Jungkook: Come to my office
   I told her and ended call.
  Ara's pov:
    Please don't tell me that he's going to lecture me again for what happened in the morning. I thought and went inside his cabin.

  Ara: Mr.Jeon?
  Jungkook: Ms. Kim please check the files of new project, they should be on my table by tomorrow morning.
Ara: Ok sir. Anything else?
Jungkook: Nothing. You can go to work now.
Ara: Yes sir😒. I nodded and went out. He literally told me to complete whole week's work in one night. Devil devil devil he's a devil I mentally shouted inside and went to work. I have to complete them or else he's gonna make me work again.

   I completed my work in the midnight and put my work on his table. After that I went home. I never thought working would be this tiring.  Mainly working as a secretary of Jeon Jungkook is not at all easy trust me people.  That's how my first day is completed as his secretary.

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