Happy Endings

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"I thought I have to wait for an eternity to hear these words," she said while walking the table with him, hand in hand.

" Really! I thought that too," he said. Their smile grew bigger.

He pulled out a chair for her and asked her to sit. He tapped his hand on the table twice then a man came with a food trolley. Her eyes were fixed on him, admiring him. The waiter served food for them and went away. While eating she suddenly got a question in her mind.

" Jungkook. Where did you get those pictures of mine? I don't remember posing for them. She inquired him innocently. He was thinking if he should tell her or not.

" Umm, I captured those with my camera. "He said while stroking the nape of his neck and showing his camera which he held before. She frowned confused.

" But those pics don't seem like recent ones. "
She let out thinking to herself.

" Because they are not. Don't freak out because I'm saying this now. I captured them before our marriage while following you. " he announced grinning widely. Still, she's confused. Well, who doesn't?

" You used to stalk me before? " she asked while narrowing her eyes at him. He got tensed.

" I kind of used to have a crush on you," he said while biting his bottom lip. Her eyes widened at his sudden confession.

" I thought I was the one who fell in love with you first," she said. he smiled slyly showing his infamous bunny smile.

" You don't even know when I fell in love with you. He sounded cheerful.

Do you know how it feels to be in a one-sided love? God!!! I experienced it for eight months twenty-two days up until yesterday. Trust me, it is the bestest feeling you'll ever feel.
He smiled cheekily while she was listening to him and trying to digest what he was saying.

I used to watch you working overtime. Eating your favorite ice cream without giving attention to people around you and spreading it all over your lips. Humming songs while listening to music on the bus. Scolding me when I piss you off in the company while walking on the road. Cheering kids in the orphanage. I used to watch everything about you. I used to capture all my favorite moments about you.

That day you entered my office innocently while carrying a file in your hands I felt the air thicken around me. Jimin Hyung told me to court you that day, but I didn't want to accept the fact that I fell for you at the exact moment I saw you.

She was surprised actually more than surprised. She didn't know how to respond. She blinked her eyes innocently at him. He continued what he was saying.

Two days later I was still unable to remove you out of my head. So I went to Jimin Hyung and Taehyungie hyung again, basically, this stalking and all was their idea to get to know more about you. And that's how everything was started. My boring life changed into an exciting one. Walking behind you, giggling to myself, watching you walk around in my office became my favorite things.

And then when my mom warned me that she'll choose my bride I was panicked. Finally, I asked you to marry me. I was scared to death that you'll reject me but thankfully you didn't.

After marrying you I didn't know how to show my feelings. I was so nervous to face you. I used to control all my desires. That urge to kiss you and embrace you was like torcher to me.

You asked me what are we right. Let me tell you who you are to me. You are my love, at first sight, my heartbeat, and my wife. You are my wife. I never considered this as a contract marriage.

The day I set my eyes on you, I know that you'll be Mine someday. I wanted you to be Mine since long ago. And now finally you are Mine. Right?
He asked and looked up to her only to see her wiping her tears and sniffing. He was so lost in the story that he didn't notice her crying. He quickly rushed to her seat and kneeled down to look at her face which she hung low. He held her hands and she looked down at him.

" You are an idiot, dumbhead. No, actually you are airheaded. You should have told me earlier. " she said sniffing and smacking his shoulder continuously with her little fists.

" Yah yah!! It's hurting." He said dramatically and she stopped hitting him. He stood up and bent down towards her and cupped her cheeks and kissed her softly like she was something fragile.

She wanted more of him. She stood up and encircled her arms around his neck still kissing him. He caged her in his embrace kissing her roughly. She bit his lip and he instantly know what she wanted and gapped his like a little. He smiled while she was trying to kiss him with his tongue. He took the dominance and tasted every corner of her mouth leaving her breathless. She stopped kissing him and moaned in the kiss asking him to let her breathe for a moment. When he left her lips she felt the loss of warmness.

She held his shoulders and kissed his neck sensually biting it. Tension around them grew as she did that.

" Stop doing that. It is making me turn on" he said while breathing heavily trying to control his erection. But she didn't stop her actions. She smiled and kissed his jawline and bit his earlobe.

" If you don't stop I'm going to do you here" he announced.

" So do it," she said continuing what she was doing.

" I'm going to run my hands all over your body. Again," he said sounding like desirable.

" So do it," she repeated again sounding so hopeful. She wanted him to touch her again.

" I'm going to run my fingers inside you and-
She cut his words by placing her lips on his.

"Do it," she confirmed. Now there is no going back. Soon she was pushed into an unknown room which she didn't know was there.

Soon they were stripped and he was hovering her on the soft mattress which was decorated with rose petals. He spread her legs and entered her hurriedly. Their eyes were filled with lust. He craved her for months and yesterday what he did was just a teaser to him. He wanted to do more things to her.
She arched her back in pain.

" Baby? Say that you love me," he said to her who was moaning his name under him.

"I- umm, " she moaned not completing the sentence.

" say it," he said again.

"I love you," she said in between her moans.

As he said he did it again. This time he was rougher than before. And she liked it she really did. They were covered with a slim blanket, him hugging her tightly inside the blanket. They were cuddling naked.

" I love you" this must be the nth time he repeated it. She was not complaining though.

" I want to start it again. Our relationship. I want to take you on dates as every other boyfriend does. I want to court you properly this time. " he said and rested his head on hers.

" I like that but I'm more comfortable being your wife. I want to be with you all the time. I want to make babies with you. " she whispered shyly making him smile sheepishly.

" Then we have to work hard for it. Come let's make babies," he said and covered them with the blanket again. Their smile was uncontrolled, their laughter echoed in the room.
"I love you before, I love you now and I will be loving you till my last breath. Once I tag you as Mine there is no giving up. Maybe we are going to have some arguments and fights but that doesn't let my love fade away. I love you more every second. " he declared sincerely.

"I love you more and I'll try to be the best wife," she said more as she promised herself.

" You don't need to try. You are the best already." These were the last words they spoke to each other before falling asleep.

"Love is like an ocean. Once you drown in it there is no coming back. And there will be no end for true love. You just keep falling for the same person all over again and again even without your consent. "

The End

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