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Ara's pov:

   Doctor came to check on him. He told me that he's stressed out and his body is so weak. He told me to check on his meals properly and doctor helped me to take him to his bedroom. After his treatment ,I thanked to the doctor and walked out with him to the door.

   Now I'm making porridge for that stubborn man. How dare he make me worried. Even I called his mom to ask whether he eat his breakfast or not. Guess what she said?  She said that he never skip his meals. I'm so frustrated right now. Just let him wake up for once I'll kill him with my own hands.

  When I went to his room,I saw him trying to wake up. I rushed to his side and put porridge on the nightstand and helped him to sit. After making him sit I sat on the chair to his side.

Jungkook's pov:

If looks could kill , this would be my last day. That's how she's looking at me right now. Why not ask her I thought and asked

Jungkook: What's with that look? I asked her without any energy in my voice.

Ara: Are you kidding me Jeon Jungkook? Do you know how worried I was, are you an idiot or what? If you don't want to eat my handmade food you should have told me directly why did you starve yourself? Are you mad? What are you, a five year old to get upset with your food? (She paused for a second to glare at me. I was just dumbfounded. Never in my life somebody spoke to me with this kind of tone except for my mom. She continuously shouted and nagged at me. When I finally opened my mouth)

Jungkook: Did you just shou- ( She cut me in middle and continued)

Ara: Yes, I did shout at you so what? What you are going to do? Look at you. You are a grown ass man looking like a muscle monster. If you don't feed yourself properly then how do you think that you are going to survive. ( She said in a one go. Wait she called me a muscle monster. When I glared at her,she too glared at me in return. )

Ara:  Today, I'm not going to get scared of  your cold glares or your iceberg looks. Keep quiet and open your mouth. You have to drink this porridge.

Jungkook: I don't want to drink that.

Ara: say that once more and see what I'm going to do next. ( I felt like she would kill me if I open my mouth once again. In these three months I never saw her shout at someone or should I say she never talk back to me but today she's behaving like an angry old lady . So I just kept mum and followed what she said. )

Ara: Now, open your mouth ( She spoke softly )  say ahhh (  I opened my mouth and she started to feed me. I was staring at her whole time while she's busy feeding me. )

   After that she gave me my medicine and tucked me in the bed and went out of my room.

"What are you doing to me Kim Ara"
Something is wrong with me. The whole time she's here, my heart is beating like crazy. May be I should see a cardiologist. I thought and went to sleep.

Next day when I woke up, I felt something heavy on my arm, when I glanced at my hand I saw her sleeping peacefully while laying her head on my arm. She's sitting on the ground while laying her head on my arm, clutching onto my hand tightly, as if I'm a kid. She must be here for the whole night while checking upon me and now I'm feeling guilty. I slowly tried to take my hand from her grip but that little movement of mine woke her up.

Ara: Oh you are awake. How are you feeling?

Jungkook: Much better.

Ara: That's good then I'll go prepare breakfast for you. ( She said and I gave her a nod. )

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