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Ara's pov:

And the 'D-Day' has finally arrived in blink of an eye. I'm here sitting infront of a huge mirror debating myself with my little brain. I can't even understand what I'm feeling right now. I'm going through too many emotions that I don't know how to put them in words. I'm happy that I got a mom in the name of my mom in law, I'm nervous that I'm going to marry in few minutes and I'm scared that this is not a real wedding.

Conversation with me and my brain is disturbed by my mom in law and Mina who barged into my dressing room and started to exclaim their thoughts

Si-woo: Omo!!! Look at my daughter. She's looking like a princess. Isn't she? ( She asked Mina while taking me into a tight hug)

Mina : Yes Yes she's really looking beautiful. Aww even I want to get married now. ( She said and smiled at me)

I just gave them a shy smile as my reply.

Si-woo: Priest is calling the bride dear. Come soon I'm going to Jungkook. ( She said and went to wedding hall. )

Mina: Common now. Don't get all nervous, if he tries to abuse you even shout at you after wedding just give me a call. I'll bring a hammer with me and I'll drop it directly on his head. Okay!? ( She said dramatically and I laughed at her words, then she continued ) Put that smile on your face and now let's go.

Mina is going to walk me down the aisle. She's the only person that I trust. While walking I slowly raised my head and looked at him, I can't believe my eyes, he's dressed in a white suit making him look like a Greek god. His brown hair is covering his forehead and his black doe eyes are looking at me. I can't help but get drown in those deep eyes which holded too many emotions just like mine and his lips,he's giving me a genuine smile with them and I can feel myself smiling just by looking at him. He's the most charming bridegroom I would ever see.

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When I reached at the stage Jungkook came to me and held out his hand for me. I put my hand in his and he gently took me on to the stage then priest started to read vows.

Jungkook's pov:

I'm standing on the stage while giving a fake smile to people who are looking at me. I know that I'm handsome but their looks are making me feel awkward 🥲. There are only few people invited here like few of my business partners and few are my mom's friends and my hyungs. I feel like the spotlight is on me. I thought and that's when whole crowd looked at the bride and now she took that spotlight. When I turned my head to see her I was astonished.

She's wearing her bridal dress which is not so revealing but showing her curves perfectly. She's looking like a fallen angel. Her black long hair is left open with a flower crown on her head which is making her look like a princess. Her eyes are captivating. She's smiling beautifully. I can't avert my gaze from her as if she would disappear if I take my eyes off her. Euphoric sensation rushed through my veins, she's breathtakingly beautiful. I can't help but stare at her the whole time. Then priest started to read out wedding vows

 Then priest started to read out wedding vows

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( Ara's silhouette)

Priest; Jeon Jungkook, do you take Kim Ara for your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?

Jungkook: " I do". I said while looking straight into her eyes.

Priest: Kim Ara, do you take Jeon Jungkook for your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?

Ara: "I do". She said while looking at me but nervousness is clearly visible on her face.

Priest: Now you may exchange the wedding rings. ( He said and I slowly took her hand in mine and put the ring on her finger and she did the same )

Priest: You may kiss the bride.

Ara's pov:

Priest: You may kiss the bride.

He announced, my eyes widened😳. My heart jumped of out my chest. I can hear my heart beat in this loud crowd. No no no I'm not ready for this. How can I forget this scene in the wedding I internally cried😩. I looked at Jungkook he's already staring at me giving me a unknown mischievous smile, I frowned. If he do that I'll just kick him out of alter. Don't you dare Jeon Jungkook. It's like our eyes are having the whole conversation that's when I felt hands on my waist.

He encircled me with his strong arms and pulled me closer to him. My breath hitched,all the thoughts which I was thinking about were no more in my mind. He slowly brought his face closer to mine. I can feel his hot breath on my face and then he put his soft lips on my right cheek,gave me a short peck and moved backwards.

I felt like world stopped for a moment. I stood there dumbfounded but he had no expression on his face. Cold jerk. Atleast he didn't kiss me for real, he should tell me before hand if he's having something in his stupid brain. I cursed him under my breath.

Priest: Now I announce them as lawfully wedded wife and husband.

Finally our wedding is completed and my mom in law took me with her to meet guests. After sometime Jungkook came to us.

Jungkook: Mom we'll go to my place now. ( I felt so relieved, I felt like these are the words I'm waiting for. )

Si-woo : Ah yes. You both look so tired. Go and take some rest now. Have a beautiful night. ( She smiled at us playfully. )

We awkwardly smiled at eachother and bowed to her then we went to his car and hopped in to go to his place.

"Life never goes in a planned way...we have to act accordingly to the god's play."

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