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Jungkook's pov:

    I asked her to get ready cause mom wants to meet her. Mom told me that she will be waiting for us in the famous Seoul restaurant. She is very much excited to meet her son's fiance😑.

       When I arrived at her apartment I blew car's horn indicating that I have come. While I was waiting for her in the car, she came and stood beside the door so I went out. When I saw her I was awestruck. I didn't know what to tell her. She is looking beautiful like a newly sprouted rose flower. She dressed in a simple black dress, I didn't know whether she put make up or not, she's looking like a fairy. I stood there staring at her. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard her clear her throat, then I went to other side of the car to open door. When I confirmed that she's comfortable I started to drive.

    I don't know how to start a conversation but I've to tell her a few things before letting her to meet my mom.

    Jungkook: Ms. Kim ? I called her and then she turned her head indicating me that she's all ears to listen to me. So I continued
    Don't tell my mom about contract,I don't want to disappoint her.

   Ara: Sure Mr. Jeon. Even I don't want to let her know about this.

Jungkook: And call me Jungkook. I told her while looking at the road.

Ara: Huh? But Mr. Je-

Jungkook: jungkook just call me Jungkook. I told her once again now looking at her.

Ara: Okay? Jung- Jungkook. She shuttered while nodding.

   After some thirty minutes we have arrived at that restaurant,I told her to sit in the car and went to her door side to open the door.

Jungkook: Now you can get down. I told her after opening the door.

Ara : Thankyou. She thanked me politely and I gave her a nod in return.

    Now we are standing infront of the restaurant. She looks tense. She's fidgeting with her fingers while looking at her feet. I released a sigh

Jungkook: Ara

  Ara's pov:

     I'm so nervous about meeting his mom. What if I mess up. We were standing infront of the restaurant then I heard someone call my name.

  Jungkook: Ara? ( This is the first time I'm hearing my first name from his mouth. I'm shocked and surprised at the same time, I can feel my face heating up slightly. Will I ever get used to this? )

Ara: Hmm?

Jungkook:  Are you going to stand here forever? ( He asked. I know that he's feeling irritated )

Ara: jungkook I'm so nervous. ( I told to him more like whispered to him while my voice is showing that I'm nervous)

Jungkook: It's okay. Just act normal. ( He spoke to me with his soft voice and took my small hand in his big ones and intervened our fingers ) Now shall we go? ( He asked in a soft tone, I nodded still looking at our hands. This small gesture of him made me to calm down. I don't know whether he know that or not but I surely know that I loved his little gesture which showed concern. )

Author's pov:

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Author's pov:

     They walked into the restaurant hand in hand feeling each other's warmth. Little did they know that they were enjoying that. They went to the table where his mother is. His mom waved her hand to him and asked them to take their seats. Ara bowed to her showing respect.

   Jungkook: Mom ,she's the one I'm going to marry tomorrow.
    Si-woo: Yeah, I understood that by looking at your hands. ( She said while smiling that's when they realised that they were still holding onto eachother. They took their hands out while awkwardly smiling at eachother. )
Ara: Hello Mrs. Jeon. I'm Kim Ara (. She introduced herself politely. )

Si-woo: Call me mom darling

Did my son threatened you to get married to him? She asked while caressing Ara's face.

Jungkook:  Momm!! Why would I do that?  He whined.

Ara's pov:

    I chuckled at his actions. Who know that this iceberg can be a kid infront of his mom. That's so cute,

  Si-woo: Shut up kookie, Ara you tell me did he threaten you? ( I looked at him while raising my eyebrows playfully and he frowned not knowing what I'm going to say. )

Ara: No Mrs-mom. He didn't do that. That's our mutual will to get married.

Si-woo: How did you meet my son?

Jungkook: she's my secretary. We were dating from past 2 months.

Si-woo: Oh Okay. But why didn't you tell me that you got a girlfriend. She glared at him and he didn't answer to that question.

Si-woo: So Ara I want to meet your parents. Can we meet them today? ( She asked me while  putting her hand on top of mine)

     I never told Jungkook that I'm an orphan. I don't know what to speak now and they were looking at me for my answer and finally I decided to speak

   Ara: Mom, actually you can't meet them.

  Si-woo: Why darling? Do they live far from here.

Ara: Yeah, very far that we can't even meet them. I whispered. I'm an orphan and they died when I was a kid. I don't even remember them anymore. I told her while looking at my lap. I can feel tears forming in my eyes, I don't want to let them see me as a weak woman. I closed my eyes to stop my tears from falling down. Mrs. Jeon squeezed my hand and she continued

Si-woo: Don't even think that you are an orphan. I'm your mom and I'll be always there for you even if this idiot don't I'll be with you.

I chuckled at her words.
  You are so innocent Ara, I don't understand that how did you fall for a stupid like him . She said and I smiled genuinely at her words. They are so soothing.
After completing our lunch. We went to Mrs. Jeon's  clothing store to get our wedding dresses.  She told me that she's a fashion designer and she owns her own store.

    She didn't let us see each other after trying our outfits,she told that it'll be a surprise to see eachother wearing outfits directly in the wedding. We did as her wish.

    After selecting our dresses we bid our goodbyes to Mrs. Jeon and  Jungkook dropped me at my apartment. Mina is waiting for me in the apartment to spill the news about today.

Mina:  So , how was your day?

Ara: It was nice actually. She is  really sweet. I thought that all mother in laws would be like witches. But fortunately she's not. She seemed like a really decent woman. ( Unknowingly a big smile appeared on my face while telling her about my mom,I mean my mother in law. )

Mina : See! I told you. You are worried for nothing. And finally you are going to get married. I thought  you  will die single cause you were never in a relationship before. I'll thank this man for marrying you. She teased me  and I rolled my eyes at her.

  I didn't tell Mina about my contract. If I tell her about contract she'll definitely kill me and before killing me she'll murder Jungkook for this stupid idea.


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