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" Here's your kookie. Eat him" Jimin said and pushed Jungkook to her side.

Jungkook's pov:

   Jimin Hyung pushed me to her side. She's still sitting there with her head down then she slowly looked up at me. I can see that she's completely wasted. Her eyes are half-closed and her face is forming scarlet. I chuckled when I saw her nose, it was red like a cherry. She grabbed my hand and tried to stand up when she was about to fall I caught her with her waist and pulled her close to me.

   " I want to go home," she muttered with her low voice. God that was so seductive.
" Let's go then. " 
" Lift me up," she said and wrapped her hands around my neck.  Then I lifted her and she wrapped her legs around my torso.

She snuggled into my neck and held me very tightly as if I am going to throw her somewhere though I would never do that

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She snuggled into my neck and held me very tightly as if I am going to throw her somewhere though I would never do that. I bid goodbyes to my Hyungs and walked out of that club. I took her to my car and when I was about to put her in the passenger seat she held me like she never wanted to leave me.

" Don't you want to let me go?" I asked her
"Never. I'm not going to leave you," she said. I can feel the blood rushing into my face and my body heating up. This girl is making me feel things with her little words. However, I made her sit in the passenger seat and rushed to the driving seat.
"I want to dance," she said while clutching onto me and putting her head on my shoulder.
"Take me to the club again. I'm going to dance. I want to dance. " she said in her drunken voice while shaking me. Oh God is she going to kill us today.
" Ara, you can dance when we get home. Now behave like a good girl. "
" Noo I want to dance right now"
" If you keep quiet I'll dance with you. "
" Really. Pinky promise?" She said while showing her pinky finger.


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"Yes. Pinky promise. " I said and interlocked my finger with her little one's. She unexpectedly pecked my cheek and slept on my shoulder. I'm going insane because of her. I thought to myself while smiling like a dumbhead. 

End of his pov.

Author's pov:

    She was murmuring something and he was giggling at her actions. The car ride went smoothly, she didn't disturb him throughout the ride except for one thing.
"We are going to dance right?" She asked him for the nth time now.
" I promised you. We are going to do whatever you want. Let us reach home first. Okay!?" He replied the same thing for the nth time and she nodded.
He hates it when people repeat the same question to him but she's not just someone to him. 'Can I ever get mad at her" he thought while looking at her. Soon they reached his mansion.

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