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Ara's pov:

Now we're sitting in his car driving to his place. We didn't utter a single word after wedding. He is driving the car while looking straight at the road and I'm looking at the passing tress and a few vehicles from my window side. What can I do? This man who's sitting beside me don't speak a word until it's necessary and I don't have anything to say so I just kept quiet 😐.

When we arrived at his place, he came to my side and opened the door for me. I slowly got down from the car and took a glance at his house.

It is a beautiful mansion. Each corner of the walls were perfectly carved and the designs were made with complete care. It is a white mansion with swimming pool infront of it. It is looking like a palace from fairyland and now I feel like I'm in a wonderful Dreamland. It is surrounded by a garden. Greeneries around the mansion is adding more beauty to it.

Dude, how rich can he be ? He's having a Mercedes Benz and now this mansion and I don't know what's coming next

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Dude, how rich can he be ? He's having a Mercedes Benz and now this mansion and I don't know what's coming next. I stood there staring at the mansion then he called my name.

Jungkook: Ara ?
Ara : Huh? ( I asked him still looking at the house )
Jungkook: Just stay here and stare at the house. I'm going in. ( He said and started walking)

Ara: What? Hey, wait I'm coming. ( I stated and followed him like a lost puppy.)

Jungkook's pov:

When we entered inside, I turned backside to see whether she's following me or not, then she suddenly bumped her head into my chest.

Jungkook: Why are you so clumsy? Can't you see where you are walking and while you are walking? I told her while scrunching up my nose and rolled my eyes at her.

Ara: How can you blame me? It's your fault. Why did you stop suddenly? Look now, that rock hit my head.( She said while rubbing her head. )

Jungkook: Whom did you call rock? I asked her while raising my eyebrow.

Ara: Wh-When did I say rock? Whatever! Where's my room ?

Jungkook: Oh yeah. Upstairs, left side ,first room is yours. If you have any problem solve it by yourself. Please don't disturb me.

Ara's pov:

I glared at him at his words but there's no use. That cold jerk won't show any expression on his face except irritation and anger.

Jungkook: Generally, the maid will be there but yesterday she took leave for 10 days.

Ara: Oh okay.

Jungkook: If there's nothing else I'm going to my room.

He said and walked into his room. I should live with this alien for 6 months. Uhh 😬 how can he be like this. May be he's born like this. Whatever I have to change my dress ,I thought and went to my room.

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