Chapter twenty five. The best date.

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The day started beautifully and I decided to wear comfortable but pretty clothes, I didn't want to overdress and give Mark the wrong idea but I didn't want to dress like a slob either. Emptying my suitcase onto the bed, I checked all my outfits and settled on a comfortable blue dress that wasn't too fancy. I ate my room service lunch, something that would fill me up without making me bloated and got ready for my date.

Because I wasn't sure about the situation with Joon-Jae, I left a sticky note on my door and told reception where I was going. I left Mark's number in case anyone looked for me later.

Waiting outside the hotel to be picked up, gave me time to imagine different possibilities. What if Joon-Jae was the one taking me out? If we spent time together and ended up as a couple, that would be a dream come true! If only we didn't live in different countries and he wasn't so famous. Mark wasn't that bad looking and he was a nice guy, it was just that Joon-Jae was just so much more everything.

It wasn't just about looks either, Joon-Jae had such a fun personality and he was such a sweet person. Poor Mark, here I was, waiting to go on a date with him but thinking about another man. He probably wouldn't mind too much though, after all, we were only friends and Joon-Jae would never date me.

"Jenny?" someone tapped my shoulder.

"Joon-Jae? " I replied, turning to see who it was. "Oh, hi Mark! Sorry I've got Joon-Jae on the brain." I corrected myself and smiled. Mark didn't look that happy though, maybe he did mind that I was thinking of someone else, I hadn't meant to give myself away.

He took a deep breath for a moment and looked down, pinching his nose bridge and rubbing his temple. He sighed and looked up, with his smile firmly back in place. "Don't worry about it, Tim is still starstruck from meeting him in the hospital. Shall we go, my car is over there." He pointed to a fairly new-looking silver car.

I nodded, not bad at all, at least he was doing well for himself. I hadn't talked to Mark in depth so I started to make up stories in my head about him being a secret rich CEO or something. I giggled to myself as I got in his car.

"See you're already having fun, I'm glad you called, I can relax a bit now. I was so worried when I couldn't get hold of you but I knew Joon-Jae's agency was helping. Although you should be careful, he might be using you for publicity or something," Mark added.

The drive gave me time to set my mind on Mark, I was ready to enjoy myself and we chatted easily in the car. My stress levels floated away and by the time we arrived, all thoughts of money and Joon-Jae were pushed to the back of my mind.

Mark parked, told me to wait, and then stepped around the car to open the door. "We have arrived my queen," he stated with a grin.

"That's so cheesy," I giggled.

We started to laugh together as he locked up the car and comfortably linked arms to start our date. The street was filled with people dressed in traditional hanbok and I couldn't wait to join them. It was a lovely walk along the street, filled with displays in the windows of many interesting shops. The path was lined with blossom-filled trees, giving it a nice romantic atmosphere.

I smiled at Mark when we arrived at the rental shop, this was another dream come true. We only had an hour with the costumes so we used our time to the fullest with Mark taking hundreds of photos with his phone, we even went to a professional photo shop and posed with different backgrounds. We gave the clothes back and continued to the fortune teller, who was a short walk away.

The next experience was on a whole different level as the building was beautifully decorated with bright colours and scented with incense. Walking through the door felt like walking into a different world and the air pressed on us as if spirits were wrapping themselves around us. The waiting room was filled with couples and worried parents, eager to discover the goddess's secrets.

a dream of impossible love (Complete, Waiting For Editing And A New Name! )Where stories live. Discover now