Chapter twenty nine. A beautiful gift.

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Over the next few days, I spoke to Sally via email and promised to get my phone sorted out when I got to London then we could chat properly. My financial issues started to take over in my thoughts as I had no other distractions. The police in England had finally unfrozen my account but my compensation wouldn't be processed for another week and the money that had been stolen was being tracked by them. But I could no longer use my phone or laptop to manage my account and my card had been cancelled too so I couldn't access my account at a cashpoint either.

There was so much to sort out when I got home that it was making me seriously consider whether any of this was worth it. But I had too many responsibilities to just ditch my life, I would go back to work and figure the rest out day by day. Also, there was Joon-Jae, he was single-handedly keeping me going. We hadn't met since the breakfast with his manager but I now subscribed to every fan site and watched every snippet of news featuring my idol. It was as if we were never apart.

I could no longer refuse the offer of help with money either and as Joon-Jae's agency insisted, I couldn't refuse. Manager Do had grudgingly given me a prepaid credit card to use for the remaining time I was here after our breakfast chat and an envelope of British bank notes was promised when I received my plane ticket. This money would tide me over until my issues were sorted out. The agency  were being extra nice to me, it felt almost over the top.

That may be why I got slightly carried away with my shopping spree. But it was something I had to do, all these gifts were for others, mostly. I did get myself a nice dress and some entirely necessary cosmetics, the cost was a bit high but the card called out to be used! But I still felt bad, the money didn't feel like it was mine. Now I had to get another suitcase, the many gifts, couldn't fit in the one I had. At least some were for my friends over here so they didn't have to be squeezed in.

Tonight I would meet all my homestay pals with Joon-Jae. We would go there together, like a couple, even if it was all fake, I could dream. Fingers crossed, I would look amazing tonight in my new red dress. I had a smart cream jacket to finish the look but something was missing. The mirror wasn't helping me think. I redid my makeup and peered at my bare neck and ears, where was my jewellery?

Scurrying back to my mostly packed case, I checked the pockets until I found the small box buried under my tights. I had only brought one set with me, for just in case as I didn't wear jewellery much. When I clicked the box open, I was disappointed to find that one earring was broken and the necklace had lost a stone. It only had one stone to begin with so I closed the box and chucked it back in the case, wondering when had they been broken.

Never mind, I had to give up on looking perfect. Someone was knocking anyway, it was probably Joon-Jae, manager Do was getting the car. Smiling, I opened the door to my soul mate, the gorgeous love of my life. We just stood there looking at each other, perhaps admiring our outfits or maybe enjoying each other's presence.

"We match!" He grinned, pointing at his cream-coloured suit and a peach shirt. "It's almost a couple outfit," he laughed. "You look lovely, but I think something is missing," he continued, taking something out of his pocket.

"What's that?" I frowned, hoping he didn't hate the dress.

Opening a long leather-coated case, he revealed a stunning necklace and earrings set resting on plush blue velvet. They were beautiful, silver with small sparkling diamonds scattered randomly on flowing strand-like chains.

"Do you like my gift?" Joon-Jae smiled, passing me the open case.

"They look so expensive, are those real diamonds, it's a bit much," I said while stroking the shiny metal. My eyes couldn't leave the stylish jewellery but no matter how they sparkled, they felt a bit over my price range.

a dream of impossible love (Complete, Waiting For Editing And A New Name! )Where stories live. Discover now