Chapter fifty seven. Happy families.

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Only the bedroom was ready when we arrived that Sunday evening. Joon-Jae had settled me into the room, tucking me into bed and putting our baby into the moses basket. He closed the door after plugging a baby monitor into the wall.

By the time I woke up it was around ten in the evening and I was starving. I could smell something delicious, it made my stomach rumble and the baby stirred in his basket. Gathering him up, I settled him in my arms and fed him for the second time in his life. This time it was a bit painful, my breasts were sore and even with all my classes, I wasn't sure if I was doing it correctly.

A knock came at the door and Joon-Jae entered with a tray of food in his hands. He placed it on a side table and sat in a chair, watching me feed our son. I smiled but my stomach rumbled again as I placed him on my shoulder to burp him.

"It looks like you were both hungry! Let me take him, I'll change him while you eat," Joon-Jae said.

The next few days were filled with the needs of a newborn baby, I slept while I could and Joon-Jae was by my side. By the end of the week, I was sick of seaweed soup but I was content. Joon-Jae was the perfect dad and while I was resting he had picked up all my things, from both houses. The rest of our home was baby proofed to the extreme and Joon-Jae had hired two people to care for me. One was a housekeeper and the other would help me with the baby for a few hours a day. In a months time they would be replaced by a single person who would help me with everything.

The midwife had given Joon-Jae a list of books to read and he had been the perfect support. This hadn't stopped him from registering me at a private hospital, which he paid for in advance. The service was something I had never known before, I even had a full home check up by the doctor.

This weekend, as promised, everyone was dressing up for photos at our new home. We had a large garden which was taken care of weekly, so I really felt like a rich heiress as I sat on a rocking chair facing it. Tan had a dog house but she stayed in the house with us too, I would miss her and Joon-Jae, when they had to go back on Monday.

Later on, manager Do visited us and apologised to me. It was something I had never expected from the emotionless man. He proved that he actually had a heart, there were even tears in his eyes as he bowed to me. Seriously, the guy seemed slightly lost, as if we had cracked his world.

"Is manager Do alright? " I asked Joon-Jae.

"Don't worry, I may have caused him to have a nervous breakdown but he seems to be pulling through. You should have seen him last week, it wasn't pretty," Joon-Jae said.

It was our last day together so we snuggled together on the bed,  holding hands around our baby. The newborn squirmed in his sleep and he held a finger from each of us in his tiny fists.

"I wish you could stay a bit longer, this has been the best week of my life. Although I'm still really tired and my body hurts in places that are stopping me from proving it," I said with a sigh.

"Rest well and when I'm back I'll help you with that!" Joon-Jae laughed.

"Sshhh, he might wake up. I love him but let me put him in the basket for a bit. Can you just hold me?" I asked.

The baby stirred slightly when I moved him but I helped him grip his blanket and he settled into the basket. I turned to Joon-Jae and pressed myself close, while he wrapped his arms around me.

"Let's sleep for a bit, we are both tired," Joon-Jae suggested.

In a moment we were out too, babies are hard work and it had been an exhausting week. Later, I woke to find Joon-Jae gone and little gummy started to cry. It was time to feed him again. The baby quieted as I picked him up, humming happily. I wasn't so sore anymore but I still felt a bit of pain when he latched on, although I had been told that would settle soon.

It was nice having a personal breast feeding Councillor, who I could video call. She would also visit me next week and bring me to their mum and baby group. I would fill my days with these groups while I waited for Joon-Jae to return. I heard some noise from downstairs as Joon-Jae called out, it reminded me that he was still here.

"My heart, I can hear that you're feeding our little trouble maker through the monitor. Come down when you're finished, I made us a feast and guess what, it isn't soup!" He shouted from the kitchen.

Tomorrow the hired helpers would take over but this whole week, my Joon-Jae had been taking care of us. When he returned, I wanted to cook for him, I hadn't had the chance yet. I would have to register gummy's name too, we hadn't got round to it either so he was just our baby in the hospital records. The appointment was in two days but we still hadn't picked a name.

Our gummy blinked up at me and seemed to focus on my face for the first time, I beamed at him and he opened his mouth, allowing a little milk to leak out.

"Hey cutie, let's clean you up and take you downstairs," I said in a stupid baby voice. I groaned at myself, I had promised not to do that.

Joon-Jae started laughing downstairs, he could hear everything.

"I just slipped up once, I won't do it again! " I said into the monitor.

Joon-Jae laughed harder. Well at least he was happy.

The meal was amazing, there was a large bowl of salad and best of all Joon-Jae's special rice, along with some crispy fried chicken. It was perfect, but it was also very clearly a goodbye. I slipped little gummy into the baby rocker and Tan took over guard duty, the little dog took this seriously, sitting by the chair almost at attention.

While gummy gurgled at us, we ate until we were full, then Joon-Jae started packing the food away. I got up to help with the dishes but he pressed me gently into the chair, forcing me to rest and watch him clean up. It reminded me of that day in the hotel but this time he was more obvious about showing off his arms.

"Do you like the view, honey? I could take off my shirt if you'd like," he said with a smirk.

"Nothing would make me happier but I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to restrain myself! By the way, do remember that day at the hotel when you were cleaning up, were you trying to get my attention? Also, why did you run away?" I asked.

"Ahh, you remember that? Yes, my secrets are revealed! I was already crazy for you, it's a bit unusual for me to say this but I got overwhelmed by my emotions and I was forced to leave, before my body embarrassed itself. Basically, I didn't want manager Do, or you to see my you know what," Joon-Jae said, with a blush.

"Oh, so when you looked into my eyes, I really wasn't imaging it. We already felt something between us. Of course I loved you first! Since I saw you in a drama a few years ago, your charisma was just, pow!" I said, smiling at his cute blush.

He put away the last spoon and walked over to me, giving me a gentle hug. He kissed my forehead and held me for what seemed like forever but it wasn't long enough, manager Do had arrived. He sighed and pulled away then stepped over to our little gummy, stroking his cheek as he wriggled in the chair.

"Bye gummy, daddy will be back soon. You're the man of the house while I'm gone," he said.

"Don't give the little guy ideas! Don't forget to call me when you arrive," I said as manager Do took Joon-Jae's cases to the car.

We hugged again, not willing to part after such a long separation but manager Do grumbled, tapping his watch. I waved them away, thinking that I would see Joon-Jae in a few months, not realising how wrong I was.


Jenny finally got to live a dream life, how long will it last? See you in the next chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment, thanks.

a dream of impossible love (Complete, Waiting For Editing And A New Name! )Where stories live. Discover now