Chapter forty seven. Joon-Jae's investigation .

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Joon-Jae felt so alone, even Tan kept licking him whenever he sat down. Running his fingers through her fur, gave him some comfort, this would all be overwhelming without Tan. He owed that to Jenny, without her, his Tan could have ended up anywhere. He rested his face on her back  and gave her a hug. Tan wagged her tail, happy that her best friend was feeling better.

"Don't worry Tan, I'm going to find your mum soon! Remember Jenny, you like her, don't you!" He said, scratching her ears.

Tan yapped, moving her whole body side to side, with her wagging tail.

The schedule for his upcoming visit to the UK, was much more relaxed this time, so he would have time to sort out many other things. He had the power to say no to new obligations and he was using that more frequently as time went on. His agency hadn't caught on yet as he had been careful to select high paying projects, although all of them were short term.

He had even started to prepare a passport for Tan, this time he would take her with him. Even if he didn't spot Jenny, there was a chance that Tan would. She was no blood hound but it gave him some small hope, that maybe they would meet up this time.

They were off to the vet today, to get the last check up for her pet passport. Tan was going to bring him to Jenny and they would be together again. He grinned, imagining Tan wearing a cute bow and carrying a box with a ring. They could even use her to send each other messages!

He was only going with his driver, his manager had the a week off too. He hoped to bring Pil-Jo to his new agency when he left this one. They were good friends and Pil-Jo actually treated Joon-Jae as a human, not a precious object.

Tan whined when she recognized the vet building, but strangely, she also searched around wagging her tail. Maybe she hoped to meet Jenny too, she was one of the few people that Tan still trusted. Tan was friendly with Pil-Jo too, she was a good judge of character, he often gave her treats after a car ride. It was funny that she ignored Manager Do and growled at his boss.

He petted Tan as they were shown into the examination room, this was the final check up and Tan passed with flying colours. Now she would have to stay at home until his flight, but the house was big and the garden bigger. He planned to stay with her this week anyway, his excuse was the need for rest but he would be making a lot of calls and dealing with paperwork.

Now that all of his current projects were almost complete, Joon-Jae wanted to use every free moment to search for Jenny. He was careful not to give anything away in front of Manager Do, or others from his agency. Joon-Jae couldn't move freely without someone finding out, he felt trapped but at least he had the secret phone, which he kept at home. He couldn't bring it with him because his manager handled everything. When he got changed on a shoot, he often spotted the man going through his pockets.

Outside of his cage, he now had several people working for him, including Mr Chung, the lawyer he met through Jenny's case. They were very useful, but he contacted them only through email. He hid his identity but that was about to change, they didn't know who they were actually working for right now and that wasn't helpful anymore.

The investigators and law team were easily won over, it was made simple by the fact that most were fans. They were excited to work with him and happy to join his agency in the future, some confessed that they would work for free but Joon-Jae refused to let them. They needed to be paid, he wouldn't exploit his employees like that.

In fact the contract termination was close, he just had four months to go. The lawyer had found many hidden clauses, traps that would force him to stay with the agency and he had successfully avoided them so far. Once he was free, his new agency would officially open.

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