Chapter sixty five. Sally's wedding.

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Joon-Jae sat hunched over on the floor, sitting with his back to the information desk in Toronto airport, after two hours of waiting for Jenny. The thick ring of people murmured and split apart as a woman pushing a buggy squeezed through the milling crowd.

"Joon-Jae? Is that really you?" Jenny said hesitantly.

He looked up and saw her, his lost wife, in the flesh. Pulling himself up, he staggered towards her and enfolded her in his arms. A sigh escaped the crowd, this is what they were waiting for, many had missed flights to witness history in the making.

"Jenny, why did you take so long? I thought you were gone again!" He sobbed as the tension that had built up over the long months was finally released.

"Joon-Jae, as soon as I got the message, I was on my way but do you know how many information desks there are in this airport?" Jenny said, allowing her tears to soak into his shirt.

Joon-Jae stroked Jenny's hair and tilted her face towards him, kissing her gently on the forehead, the crowd mumbled in appreciation. The couple were oblivious to their witnesses as they instinctively moved into a more intimate kiss. The crowd turned away, giving them privacy and naturally dispersed.

Min-ho stirred in the buggy, crying as he woke, pulling the couple back to their surroundings. The couple picked up their now almost one year old child, extracting him from his buggy safety harness and comforted him together. Joon-Jae smiled, finally at peace.

"Where now, my heart?" Joon-Jae asked.

"Let's go to Sally's place, together," Jenny said.

With his son in his arms and both wheely suitcase handles in the other, Joon-Jae followed Jenny to the taxi pick up area. She folded the buggy as the taxi pulled over and Joon-Jae passed her the baby while he loaded the trunk. The top of the buggy converted to a car seat so they strapped their little one in the car and sat squeezed in together at the back of the taxi, Joon-Jae wanted to be glued to his family from now on.

Jenny laughed, she didn't mind being squashed against her husband but she felt that he had lost way too much weight. She wrapped her arms around him and settled against him comfortably for the two hour drive.

Soon they arrived at Sally's mothers house, it was a fairly large, modernised farmhouse. They didn't run a farm as such but kept a collection of pets and some chickens. The land they owned was rented by the neighbouring farms and some had been allowed to run to open woodland. It was a lovely place to hold a wedding and was beautiful in the snow.

"Hey, Jenny! So, you found your husband on the way, I've been following you on the fan accounts, it was epic, there are so many edits already! Come in and get warm, my mum has Lucy in the play pen, Min-ho can join her when you've sorted him out. Oh my gosh, Joon-Jae, looking good," Sally babbled as she helped bring them and their luggage into the house.

Sally's mother introduced herself as Debbie and was just as bubbly as her daughter, her father, Steven, seemed stern but it was all a front as they soon discovered from his corny dad jokes. Roland, her older brother, would be joining them at the wedding with his wife and son.

The house was large enough to be a bed and breakfast, or even a small hotel but most rooms weren't used unless family visited and some rooms weren't furnished. They were staying in Roland's room, until they sorted out another as the room originally planned for Jenny only had a single bed.

It didn't take long to put their bags in the room and change the baby but Jenny decided to feed him before joining the others. Joon-Jae started unpacking while he waited for them, Jenny would have to get used to him staying nearby, moving too far away struck fear into his heart. Joon-Jae wondered if he needed counselling, was he getting a panic disorder, if this had affected him so much, where did that leave Jenny?

She seemed so calm, surely that was not healthy. What had happened while they were separated, was she hurt in any way, physically or mentally? This kind of state didn't seem normal, she watched as the baby fed but didn't speak, in fact she was too quiet.

Joon-Jae sat next to Jenny as she rested their baby on her shoulder, wiping him with a soft cloth as milk dribbled from his mouth. She passed Min-ho to his father as he smiled gummily, showing a single tooth. Joon-Jae beamed at his son, tickling his chin gently.

"You've grown up so much since I last saw you, I suppose you don't remember me but I missed you. Jenny, you did well, I don't know how difficult it has been but Min-ho is doing well," Joon-Jae said, turning towards her.

Jenny said nothing but silent tears were flowing down her face. Joon-Jae lay the baby on the bed and embraced Jenny, kissing her tears away, she started to sob in the safety of his arms. Min-ho rolled over and crawled up to them, starting to cry too so Joon-Jae gathered him up to join them.

Sally hovered on the other side of the door, but decided to leave them in peace and even stopped her mother from fetching them. They needed some time alone and setting up the spare crib would have to wait.

Several hours later a large casserole spread its warmth throughout the house, making Jenny's  small family realise how hungry they were. They held each other quietly now, although Min-ho fussed at them in his frustration and hunger. The smell of lunch, made first Jenny then Joon-Jae's stomach growl. It was so loud Min-ho started to cry again, making them laugh as they comforted him.

"Let's go freshen up and eat," Joon-Jae said, kissing Jenny on the forehead.

"Together, let's never be apart again," Jenny agreed.

Soon they joined Sally's family at the large dining table, strapping Min-ho into a high chair. Lucy had a booster seat instead as she was a month older and much more stable. Joon-Jae looked around the table at this loving family and felt at peace, Jenny seemed a lot better too.

They settled in to the routine of taking turns with Min-ho as either Jenny rushed around helping Sally with last minute wedding preparations and Joon-Jae helped wherever they needed someone tall! At least here his height was a useful addition to the wedding preparations, he was able to help ready and clean more rooms for guests and bring down spare mattresses, sleeping bags and bedding from the large storage loft.

Sam arrived and a party atmosphere invaded the house as he made Sally skip around in happiness and everyone got ready for the best hen and stag events. As both Sally and Jenny had babies to care for, they had rented a restaurant with a children's area. They planned to have a daytime party, with both sides using different areas and the Sally's parents looking after the babies.

Everyone ate and played ridiculous games, having fun to the max but two couples had trouble fully enjoying their forced time apart. In the end both Sam and Joon-Jae found themselves playing with their children, abandoning the stag party, Sally and Jenny joined them shortly afterwards. The older generation took themselves away to join the forgotten friends and relatives, enjoying the party in their place.

When the family got back to the house even the babies went to bed early, tomorrow would be a busy day. Joon-Jae and jenny snuggled together while Min-ho slept. They both slept lightly, troubled by nightmares and clung to each other in mutual comfort. Their trauma had eased only slightly in the few days they spent together but gradually they were recovering.

The big day arrived and Sal dressed in her pale pink wedding gown, which was sown with white silk roses, pink and white was the wedding theme. They had a church ceremony and moved to a large hall and sat as speeches were made by the happy couple. Joon-Jae also made a speech, giving the couple a thumbs up and offering his support whenever they needed it.

Sally changed into a simpler frock as they ate and the entertainment arrived, a jazz band, Sally hadn't been able to book Bts but these musicians were well known in the area. Once gifts were given and the wedding cleared away, Sal and Sam were sent off to their honeymoon, three days in Hawaii, without little Lucy.

Joon-Jae and Jenny prepared to return to London too, it almost felt like they had their own honeymoon in Canada, the week had done wonders for them both. The flight back was almost like a journey to a different world, now that Jenny was found all the statements and evidence had to be collected and finalised. They didn't mind, they were together and that was all that mattered.


Jenny and Joon-Jae are finally together! Don't forget to vote and comment, the story is almost complete but there are still a few chapters left so see you in the next chapter.

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