Chapter sixty four. Joon-Jae to the rescue.

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Joon-Jae sat with his team, which included his lawyers and high level staff. All the evidence had started as a trickle, then flooded in to the extent that it became hard to go through it all. His agency had gone on hold as everyone got involved, helping their idol was a dream most never got to realise.

On the large projector screen, a video conference added to the numbers of participants. The police in Korea and London were included, as well as expert investigators. Just two weeks after Joon-Jae's appeal, the whole world had joined forces, not only finding evidence on Jenny's abduction but also many other crimes.

This was unlike any crime drama Joon-Jae had starred in, with his power, money and popularity something had changed. It became a trend to give up information on crimes all over the world and this had led to a massive amnesty as well as leading to the arrest of many criminals. Not only that but many prisoners who were wrongley arrested, had been proven innocent and set free.

A charitable fund had sprung up which provided support for many ex cons, helping them find work and the whole process became known as Heo Joon-Jae's amnesty. It spun off, into helping the homeless, stopping drugs on the street, the end of unfair dept collection and many other terrible things.

Jenny's old work place had been seized, after enough evidence was discovered that it was a front for many illegal activities. That had been the catalyst, bringing about the start of the end. The innocent staff at the company had turned against the rest, bringing them all to justice and picking up every branch and connection.

Their discovered web of deceit and crime had led to the explosion of cases being solved, with many other abductions and murders solved. But Jenny had not been taken by them, with all the evidence, it was clear. The police detective involved had now been arrested as a suspect and the presence of too much evidence forced him to confess it all.

There was only one problem, the location of Jenny was unknown. The secret underground extension under detective Simons garden was discovered, but Jenny had already escaped, she had disappeared. The conference ended with confirmation that three days before, Jenny and little Min-ho were alive and well. It was only a matter of time before they were found.

Joon-Jae could finally be reunited with his family but where did they go? It was time to return to London and find them. Since his collapse two weeks before, Joon-Jae had started to force himself to eat and rest. The thought of his health being a barrier to Jenny's rescue had woken him up to his state. So now he booked his plane tickets with ease, that afternoon he would be on a plane to London.

Early in the morning he arrived at his house in London, to find that someone had broken into it. The alarm and CCTV had been deactivated, so no alert. He cautiously crept into the house, which seemed untouched until he started to notice little things. The dishes had been washed recently and doors were open, the sheets in their bedroom had been ruffled and small items had moved.

At first he looked for signs of theft but his heart began to race when he noticed some discarded, torn womens clothing and a child's stained vest. Had Jenny come home? Was she here? It was too quiet, he searched for evidence but she was gone. Why did she come back, only to leave? After checking through the entire house, he found that a few changes of clothing from Jenny's and Min-ho's closet had been taken, along with a suitcase and the buggy.

Jenny's and Min-ho's passport had been taken along with some cash and the card that Jenny hadn't ever used. Was she going to run away? It was four in the morning so it was too early to call anyone.

Joon-Jae checked again and realised the dishes were still wet, she hadn't been gone long. The notice board held no clues but if she had taken passports, she must be headed to the airport. He stopped himself at the door, London was surrounded by several airports and she could be headed anywhere, could Jenny have used the PC in the small office?

He rushed up the stairs and started it up, although the search history had been deleted, with all that he had learnt during the search for Jenny, it was easy enough to restore. She was headed to Heathrow and had online tickets to Canada. Why there? His phone pinged, a spending notification from the card. She was in Heathrow right now.

Why Canada? Was she going to meet her friend, Sally? The wedding, it was next week! Joon-Jae hurriedly packed his own case and booked his own flight, she should have waited for him, why the rush?

Joon-Jae sent messages to Mr Do and booked a repair for the front door, then called a cab, if he was fast enough he would catch the flight after Jenny. Excitement bubbled up within him, Jenny was alive and well, his son too. They would see each other today and he was leaving nothing to chance.

On the other side of the ocean, Sally was pleased to discover an email from Jenny's usual account. Jenny thanked her for sending assistance and sharing her Canada address, where she could stay until it was safe. Jenny seemed worried that she couldn't stay with her husband in case he was targeted.

Her reply was left unread so Jenny probably didn't realise that she was safe now, the criminals and her abductor were in jail. Whatever happened Jenny would figure it all out when she arrived. Jenny had been the best comfort in her time of need and Sally was going to do her best to help her friend.

Soon, one after the other, the flights holding Jenny, With her baby and Joon-Jae, touched down. Joon-Jae rushed to the arrival lounge and found the luggage carrousel. He paused and checked the area, Jenny was unlikely to be here, the suitcase with her was suitable for hand luggage, like his own. The shopping area! Min-ho needed changing supplies and if it was available, clothing too.

His phone pinged, the pharmacy, of course! After asking for directions, Joon-Jae strode towards the shop. He was too late but she couldn't be far, he needed help. People had started to notice him, he had no guards or mask and if anything he had become so popular that his origin no longer mattered.

Joon-Jae ran to an information desk, with a trail of excited fans following him. The staff were just as shocked to see the man who had changed the world, standing right in front of them. He didn't look as sick as in the news articles released two weeks before and his face seemed animated with a brightness that was almost as mesmerising as his previous state.

"Can you help me? My wife and I have been separated, could you put an announcement out please? Tell her I'm waiting for her, thank you," Joon-Jae said, gripping the edge of the desk until his knuckles turned white.

"Their name and your name please, oh, never mind, I know who you are!" The woman at the desk stood up and nudged her male colleague, who seemed to be in a daze.

Soon a message blasted out of the airport speaker and in writing on the message board too.

"Mrs Heo, please come to the information and help desk, your husband is waiting for you."

The crowd around the desk thickened until the security team was called but Jenny did not appear. Was she too shy? Did she not hear the message or see the signs? Joon-Jae frowned, should he use the fan network? It was too late to claim privacy.

He took a selfie showing the help desk and the airport sign and shared it on all of his social media accounts, adding a message underneath.

'I am at Toronto Airport, waiting to meet my wife after six and a half months of separation. Will you help me find her? She is in the airport with our son.'

The crowd murmured excitedly and began to disperse, each individual hoping to be the one to find her. The security team still stood in a ring around Joon-Jae as he stood to side of the desk apologetic at the chaos he was causing.


Jenny is free but scared and on the run, will Joon-Jae find her? See you in the next chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment.

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