Chapter fifty nine. The key to everything.

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Min-ho sucked on his cloth book as I got out my keys, but one of my key chain toys snagged on my purse and ripped open.

"Urrh! Now I have to clean up Styrofoam beads!" I whined to myself.

The soft cat plushie fob was torn in half, it was one of my favourites and reminded me of Fig. I could sew it up but it wouldn't be the same. I took a spare carrier bag out of the buggy and gathered some of the mess, if I left it the wind might blow them everywhere.

Something rectangular about the size of my fingernail, poked out of the pile, it was a phone sim card. Had that been on the ground or was it from the plushie? The card seemed dry, it must have been inside but how did it get there?

I put the sim in my purse and opened the front door, I would look at it later, first I had a growing boy to feed. Today I was on my own, my new helper had the day off and from tomorrow I wanted her to come in for only two hours a day. The all day help was too much, it felt like Joon-Jae was being over protective, I also thought it was a waste of money.

It felt a bit weird to have a stranger fussing over me and telling me what to do. Maybe it was because I was used to being on my own, I liked the peace and little Min-ho was still small enough to be easy enough to carry. When he started getting bigger and more mobile, it might be harder. Although it was nice to have someone look after me when Min-ho didn't let me sleep, maybe I should think again about the extra help.

Later on, I sat at my dressing table while my son slept on the bed, the little guy didn't really fit in the basket anymore and I didn't want to move him to the cot just yet. The sim card was probably just junk from somewhere but as I turned it with my fingers a snippet of memory popped into my head. That key fob was a present from a colleague at the office.

My sick colleague had passed the fob to a temp when she handed her work over. I didn't know why it was given so indirectly. I wondered how she was doing, we weren't close but she seemed nice. Who would have her number?

If I went back to the office, someone might know, perhaps Michelle. Would it be safe to visit them? I had promised our manager a visit with my baby but I didn't want to put Min-ho in danger. If I called my contact at the police, he might help but what if I was mistaken? I didn't want to waste their time on some junk I found on the floor.

Sitting around wouldn't solve anything so I figured a call should be fine. I hesitated but pressed the call icon, we hadn't talked for a while and I wanted to know my case progress anyway.

"Detective Simons here, how can I help?" He answered promptly.

"Hi, it's Jenny. I haven't been in touch for a few months and I just wanted to catch up on a few things," I said.

"Oh, Ms Knight. Thanks for calling, you've changed your number and I didn't receive your new address. How is Mrs Silverstone?" He asked politely.

At the start of our collaboration, we would meet weekly but once I left my work place, the meetings had stopped. I had gradually lost interest in everything else once I discovered my pregnancy and I couldn't gather more evidence if I didn't work in that place. I hadn't even told the police about my situation, after all that wasn't their business. Although they should know about it due to their monitoring.

"Actually, a lot has been going on so I suppose an update should come from my side first. Starting with my name, I'm not called Ms Knight anymore, I'm Mrs Heo now. I live with my husband and we have a son. Mrs Silverstone passed away, she was an amazing woman and I loved staying with her," I paused, she was still in my heart and talking about he brought back memories.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear about Mrs Silverstone. Congratulations on becoming Mrs Heo, I don't remember you mentioning you were seeing anyone. How old is your son? Is the boy your husbands child from a previous marriage?" He asked.

"I left work because I was pregnant, didn't you know? That's what the rumours were about, it wasn't about my safety anymore, it was about his," I explained.

"The reason for leaving was illness on the paperwork, I though you were recovering somewhere. In fact I found that several employees left due to the same reason, some were quite difficult to track down," he added.

"That's something I wanted to ask about, I remembered something. There was a colleague of mine, she gave me something before she left and there might have been something more to it. She also left due to illness, perhaps you found something about her. Her name is Susan, Miss Susan Brown," I asked.

"I'm sorry to tell you that she passed away, in fact she died about a week after leaving your workplace. What did she give you?" He said.

Maybe something happened to her too, was the phone sim evidence? Was that why she was targeted? But how did they know? Who was the person behind the scenes? It was also very strange that we were never invited to her funeral, let alone told about her death.

"I was given a soft plushie key fob, it wasn't even that big of a deal but it came to me indirectly. I wasn't even sure it was from her. The temp gave it to me. I forgot all about it until it split open today. I think there was something inside it. Should I send it to you?" I said.

When had Fig been poisoned? Wasn't it around two months after Susan left, what had triggered the attempt on our lives? A lot of people knew I collected key fobs but I hadn't brought that one into work. Maybe there was a connection because it was cat shaped? It didn't make sense.

"What did you find?" He asked.

"Some kind of sim card, I'm not sure which phone would work with it. Do you think it might be important? Should I bring it in person? Also I wondered if it's safe to visit my old work place. I promised to bring the baby and it's my last chance to reconcile with everyone. But at the same time, I can't feel too relaxed with them. What should I do?" I said.

"Alright, bring it over tomorrow and we will set you up with a wire and some questions but make that's your last visit. I would also advise that you don't give them your contact details. Did you follow my advice with your mother's number? " He said.

"Yes, at first I thought it was alright to leave it as I didn't remember sharing it, but Kelly called her and I was getting suspicious of her so it's been changed now. I'm still in touch with Jeff at the security desk, he doesn't work for my old company, he was hired through the building management team," I explained.

"Kelly was close to you, I thought you ruled her out? We did check her but maybe I need to check again," he added.

"I forgot to mention a few things, apparently Kelly was the one who told Michelle to organise both parties. The one that got Adam fired and almost me too. But she is also the one who told me about the boss's diabetes and the fire alarm issue. She passed the cat treats to Michelle to give to me but it was in a basket of treats. Were they all poisoned or somehow I managed to pick the one that was? She also seemed happy that I left, and she didn't seem eager to keep in touch. We were so close before Fig's death but her attitude changed so drastically," I continued.

"That is suspicious, her behaviour seems odd. Honestly the investigation was stagnating with no new evidence, was there anything else?" He asked.

"Well this is just my thought but her goal often seemed to be that she was never the one causing problems and others got the blame but why did Kelly never target Michelle directly? Jeff told me that she was the one who introduced her abusive boyfriend to Michelle, so I wondered if he was involved somehow," I said.

"I'll look into both of them, come by the station tomorrow, we will discuss everything then," he finished.

"Bye officer Simons, I'll bring the baby, if that's alright," I said.

"That's fine, bye Mrs Heo," he said, ending the call.


Is the sim card significant? We will see! Don't forget to vote and comment!

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