Chapter forty two. Missing Jenny.

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The empty hotel room, looked exactly the same as it had three months before, except for the fact that Jenny wasn't here. Joon-Jae sat on the bed and sighed, if only it hadn't been a dream, he wished they had got to be together before she left. He stroked the bed sheets and thought about what could have happened to make her leave the room early.

It was all his wishful thinking, he should have waited for her or at least not gotten so drunk. Joon-Jae regretted missing her flight, at least he could have said goodbye. It had all seemed so real, waking up with Jenny by his side, making up and loving each other, until the happiness of being with her washed away all of his loneliness.

But he woke up that day, at one in the afternoon, with a splitting headache and his manager telling him that the room was needed for someone else, the staff were impatiently waiting to clean it. Manager Do rushed him into the shower, giving him a pile of newly pressed clothes and Joon-Jae had no time to think. He remembered her scent, it still settled on his body but maybe it was just from the bed sheets.

He was told the truth of that night, he had barged into Jenny's room, at two in the morning, drunk. The staff had mistakenly believed that the room was his, as Jenny had already packed and left, she would stay at the homestay for her last night in Korea. So the memory of making up and being together, was all false. There was no note left for him, she had just left, without looking back.

He had some doubts, but it was true that Jenny hadn't let him in that night, Joon-Jae had the room key, which proved that Jenny had already checked out. The CCTV confirmed it, he had checked the file himself. But his body remembered something different, it felt as if he had been doing exactly what he remembered doing, could it have been just a wet dream of epic proportions?

When he was finished in the shower, the bed was already stripped and the carpet vacumed so he couldn't check for evidence. The only proof that Jenny had stayed in the room, was a single blue gem, that he had spotted hidden in the carpet, underneath the bed. He wore it on the pin he had custom made, carrying it attached to his shirt wherever he went. He remembered her broken jewellery and the missing stone in her necklace, it was fate that he had noticed it.

What if his manager had lied, he didn't quite feel as abandoned, as his manager implied. The dream was too real, he wanted it to be the truth. If only he could contact Jenny, talk to her face to face and find out what really happened that night. His heart ached from missing her, but all he had were a few photos and the gem that he absentmindedly rubbed, to comfort himself.

He tried to get hold of her work email but failed, CEO Daniel had shredded the information in front of him and all the other records were destroyed. Why did they want to control him so much? Although his contract with this agency was almost over, they were trying very hard to renew it. Just one more year and he would find her himself. No matter what, he wouldn't sign a contract with them again.

Joon-Jae had enough money to retire several times over, if they thought such a sum would motivate him to sign a new contract, they had another thing coming. They had been good to him, making him a successful actor and model, but it was a lonely, empty life. He had a beautiful house containing expensive things but there was no one except Tan to share it with. He had dated stars before, it was fun to get to know the female leads of his dramas.

He wasn't innocent, he'd been in relationships but he had never felt such a connection with them. They were just practice for the real deal, Jenny was the one. At first his acting had improved with his new emotional depths but it soon became apparent that he couldn't continue with the romance genre. Once his latest drama was over, he insisted on action only and made sure that all his obligations would end, long before his agency contract.

Secretly, Joon-Jae was planning for a fight. There was no way he would get out so easily, he no longer trusted his agency or his manager. He had hired a private investigator and found out about the manipulation of his fans using the media and who the real culprit was. He had a suspicion, that Jenny had found something out much earlier. She had been more than jealous, something else had been bothering her, which could be the real reason they broke up.

Everything was his fault, to protect Jenny and be with her, Joon-Jae needed to be free to live his life. The lies had to end, his first step was to end the contract, then he would find her. But before all that, he might get a chance to see her, there was a slim possibility. Soon, London fashion week would begin and he would hire someone to find Jenny, while he was there as a model. Then in four months time, there was another event in London and he planned to find out more.

He also planned to find out more from Jenny's friends at the homestay, but that would have to wait until after this first visit to London. Someone there might have her contact details, and maybe he could get in touch with that lawyer too. Mr Chung had done very well against the lies given out from his agency and probably felt appreciated when Joon-Jae had personally paid for his services.


A few days later, Joon-Jae had barely any time to breathe, as his schedule had been packed to bursting point. He was in London, but so far away from Jenny, wouldn't it be fate if they met again? Even though Manager Do was doing his best to make sure that he would never get that chance, he couldn't even make new friends with this workload.

He searched the crowd, maybe she would look for him? Maybe she still cared, she might be searching for him just as desperately. Everyone with her hair or similar clothing, caught his eye but she wasn't there. If only he could contact her, Jenny could meet him in person. In a few days, he would have an afternoon to himself, before the flight back in the evening. He hoped to find help and get closer to finding his Jenny, before manager Do blocked him again.

He sighed and put his happy idol mask back on, ready for work. Manager Do led him to his changing room, this event was over but maybe she would be outside the car, waiting for him to leave the venue. Of course the tickets for this show were very over priced, she couldn't afford them and if she knew his schedule, she would be there.

"Joon-Jae, a few of the designers are here to thank you before we can leave and there's the interview, let's go sir." The assistant instructed.

There was no freedom yet so Joon-Jae strode forward, with his memories of Jenny keeping him strong. An hour later, he walked towards the car. Many of his fans and the fans of other models, gathered behind a barrier. Even the designers and guests had there own fans, it was chaos but he still slowed his pace in the hope that Jenny was watching.

But even if she was, there was no hope of seeing her. Manager Do blocked his view and guided him into the car, he bowed, closing the door and trapping Joon-Jae. It was no use, he had to be patient, with his manager in the way he had no chance.

They drove to the hotel and Joon-Jae was left to his own devices. It was already six thirty in the evening and most businesses were already closed, so Joon-Jae couldn't contact the investigation agency in person. But there was always the internet. He was also looking to buy a house here, it was worth it as he came to London frequently. Now there was the added advantage, that Jenny might be more accepting of their relationship, if he was settled here.

Joon-Jae borrowed a laptop from the hotel and sat in the VIP lounge, as manager Do had taken the precaution of keeping hold of his phone. They were only pushing him away with these actions, he was an adult not a pampered prince and the more they tightened their grip, the more he wanted to escape. He set up a new email account and bought a new phone, this was his own business, they had no right to control him.

He waited for responses to his emails for a while, soon his time was over and the laptop had to be returned but once his new phone was set up that wouldn't matter. He told the staff at reception that he was waiting for a package and no one else could pick it up for him, they were not allowed to tell his manager or anyone else. He really hoped they would keep that promise because tomorrow, Joon-Jae wouldn't be back until ten in the evening.


Joon-Jae may have money but he doesn't have freedom, see you next time for Jenny's side of the story. Please vote and comment, thanks

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