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namjoon stood outside, small content smile resting on his lips while leaning on a big black truck. he was waiting on seokjin who was still getting dressed for their date. he wanted to take seokjin out for star-gazing and a late night picnic. it had been a minute since he treated his boyfriend to something. he was also planning to tell seokjin he loves him tonight. it was perfect, he had it planned out to the littlest detail and he was ready.

about five more minutes passed and seokjin came out. he wore a thick pastel pink sweater with dark skinny jeans and a pair of pink converse. he looked so beautiful, namjoon couldn't stop staring. as he got closer, the small smile namjoon had stretched into a bigger one.

"hey joonie." seokjin said softly, looking at his boyfriend with a fond smile. namjoon stared lovingly at the male before reaching for his hand and placing a soft kiss on it. seokjin couldn't help the blush that formed on his cheeks, his heart was racing, he loved the way namjoon made him feel. so warm, cozy, loved.

"hey jinnie, you ready?" namjoon asked, softly tugging on the boys hand. seokjin nodded before namjoon led him to the truck and opening the door for him. seokjin laughed softly at this new found chivalry namjoon had. namjoon slid into the truck and started it. his hand found seokjin's quickly, he held it as he drove towards the outskirts of seoul near where he had taken seokjin for their first date.

"what's up with you? you're being more chivalrous than usual." seokjin said with a small laugh accompanying his statement. namjoon smiled while looking at seokjin with stars in his eyes.

"chivalrous. that's a big ass word." namjoon said, caressing seokjin's hand. seokjin giggled softly, he felt so warm being with namjoon in this moment, but then again that could also be the heat blasting in the truck protecting them from the cold nights of seoul.

"and i don't know to be honest, i just wanna treat you better, you deserve it." namjoon said, grip on seokjin's hand tightening just a bit. seokjin tilted his head slightly, he was just a tad bit confused at that.

"treat me better? namjoon you've made me feel the best i've ever felt in my whole life. if you treat me any better i may just combust." seokjin stated, taking his free hand and placing it on top of their laced fingers. namjoon smiled, eyes flickering from the road to seokjin and back to the road again.

they drove down the deserted streets of seoul holding a comfortable conversation about anything. namjoon's heart swelled hearing seokjin talk about having kids one day, one thing he always wanted to do but he always feared he'd meet an enemy who takes out their hate for him on his kids. it was enough of a struggle with stressing on seokjin but adding a kid into the mix may just kill him.

"i've thought about kids, but i don't wanna taint them with the life i live, it's enough im already tainting you with this." seokjin slumped at this, namjoon hadn't necessarily said it but the way he said it, it made him feel like namjoon thought of himself as a burden. he pouted slightly knowing this was far from the truth, hell, it was him who felt like a burden to namjoon. he hadn't expected it to be the other way around.

"joonie, i hope you know i've never thought of you as a burden. i've never once regretted saying yes to you. not even during our break." seokjin said, namjoon squeezed softly on seokjin's hand. he so badly wanted to kiss the male and tell him he loves him until seokjin got sick of hearing the word but the fact that they were going 85 miles per hour on a dark road prevented him from acting on any emotion.

"i know but i can't shake the feeling, ever since i've gotten with you, you've been stalked and threatened simply because other people want to get close to me and either kill you or me. i can't help but think you'd rather be with someone normal and not have to go through that at all."

"i mean don't get me wrong, joonie, no one wants to go through that ever, but for you, i'd do it all over again and again a thousand times more if i have to." namjoon smiled widely, he knew, he was absolutely in love with this man.


seokjin smiled softly in the back of the truck watching from the warmth of the blanket as namjoon set up their picnic. he looked up and was in awe of how beautiful and bright the stars were. yeah he saw them back in the city but without the light pollution around the stars seemed to twinkle much brighter and easier. it was absolutely beautiful and breathtaking.

namjoon climbed into the back of the truck, setting the food down and taking a seat next to seokjin. they wrapped up into the blanket and laid close together, getting warmth from both the blanket and each other. namjoon held seokjin tightly, he loved the feeling of seokjin in his hands. they stayed quiet, looking at the stars while taking a peek at each other every now and again. namjoon often found himself watching seokjin instead of the stars. simply because when things did get dark, seokjin was the light he needed to keep him going.

he picked a strawberry and bought close to seokjin's lips, seokjin giggled softly before allowing his boyfriend to feed him the red fruit. they stayed like that for a few moments, feeding each other while giggling softly. namjoon smiled softly watching as seokjin's cheeks puffed up like a squirrel stuffing its cheeks with nuts. he stared at seokjin's soft, red-tinted lips, before moving to place his lips on them.

seokjin smiled into the kiss while namjoon savored the feelings of seokjin strawberry flavored lips on his. namjoon's phone buzzed twice in his back pocket which he ignored. seokjin pulled at namjoon's shirt, deepening the kiss between the two. this is amazing. this thought crossed their minds a lot when it came to one another.

namjoon pushed seokjin back further into the mountains of pillows and covers. again, namjoon's phone buzzed in his pocket, which he ignored again. he pulled away staring seokjin in his eyes. his heart was racing, he leaned down and placed a small chaste kiss on seokjin's lips.

"you know seokjin, i've been wanting to say this for a while now." namjoon started, seokjin stared into namjoon's eyes, watching nervousness swirl through them.

"kim seokjin, i lo-" namjoon started but was cut off by the sound of both of their phones ringing one after the other. namjoon groaned before reaching in his back pocket and answering the phone.

"hello, namjoon, you need to get to the warehouse now." jackson said through the phone. namjoon could hear gunshots going off, one after the other. he looked over at seokjin who had answered the call yoongi gave to him. both calls were regarding the ambush from a rouge gang. namjoon quickly ended the call before jumping from the back of the truck and helping seokjin out. namjoon sped down the road while seokjin sat quietly in the passenger seat.

soon enough, seokjin was safely in namjoon's house and namjoon was right along side yoongi and jackson killing multiple men. when it came down to the very last person they left him alive. namjoon grabbed the blood covered man by his neck and pulled him up close to his face.

"did you all really think you'd survive this." namjoon spat, the man stared namjoon in his eyes, his own dark and uncaring for anything around him.

"nope." the man said, voice flat and cold. namjoon looked back at yoongi and jackson before releasing the man's collar.

"then why do it." namjoon saying, knowing somehow and someway, this was a trap. he cocked his gun back and pointed at the males temple.

"i would've died either way." the man said, namjoon looked the man in his eye before pulling the trigger of the gun and killing the man instantly.

"got any clue who could be over them?" jackson asked, namjoon shrugged while looking around the room. the amount of bodies littered across the room. a mix between his own men and the rogue gangs'.

"what took you so long to answer the phone, i had to call seokjin to see where you were." yoongi asked, wiping blood off of his chin.

"i was on a date with seokjin, i was about tell him that i love him, then y'all called and ruined it." namjoon said, grunting a bit a the bullet wound that grazed his arm and cut straight through his jacket.

"shit i'm sorry man, we could've handled it if we had known." jackson said, stuffing his gun in his waistband. namjoon shrugged before speaking up.

"maybe it just wasn't the right time. i'll tell him soon though." ...

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