Rescue riders or dragon riders?

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I woke up and sighed after i looked around. "Ah just a dream." I said with a smile on my face. I heard a knock on the tent door. "Who is it." I said while getting out of the sleeping bag and changing clothes.

"Stoick the vast the cheif hiccup wants to talk to you." Said the vioce. "K where is he exactly?" I said. "Academy." Stoick said. "K tell him i'll be there soon." I said.

I had my 4th of july dress on with black leggings and sandals. It is summer, i went to the academy and had my dragon diarys. Everyone looked at me with a wired look. What is up with them. 

Is it because my hair was down and brushed neatly. Or because of what i am wearing. For some of them i gotten use to it but gobber was looking at me wired and almost sqashed his finger. I tried to go faster without running.

When i got to the academy i seen that no one was there. "Hello, anyone here. Or i am in another dream." I said then i heard something just like in my dream i turned around sword up (yes i have a sword), ready for anything. "Who's there? Come out hands up, drop your weapon." I said trying to cover the scaredness in my voice. "NOW!" I deadmand.

Then came out "seriously hiccup why you do that i could have proply hurt you." I said. "Well... um... look behind you." Hiccup said. I turned around to see tons of stuff that was there that wasn't before. "Happy birthday!" The dragon riders said. I was filled with tears of happyness. 

"Thanks you guys." I said then we all talked and went on with the days lesson for the dragon academy. After a hour of training and practiceing saving vikings i noticed something in the sky. I grabed my dragon diarys to find the dragons it was. "Uh Astrid P. what are you doing?" Fishlegs asked. "Don't you see the dragons in the sky? I am looking for them in my dragon diarys. Aha here they are. So there is a relentless razorwing, a fastfin, fire fury, a rock spitter, and a swiftwing. (I gasped) The rescue riders!" I said in amazement. 

I know i am a bit rude but in my defence I couldn't think of much and no one is reading this so I would just like to say "IS ANYONE THERE" the only veiws i get are from me. And if someone else read or is reading this then sorry for the long time to wait for the next chapter.

Me and dart fly to them and greet them. "Hello there my name is Astrid Pack, and you must be the rescue riders. Let me guess, the boy's name is dake, the girl's name is layla, the fast fin's name is summer, the relentless razorwing's name is cutter, the rockspitter's name is burple, the fire fury's name is agro, the swiftwing's name is winger. Am I correct?" I said. I didn't notice the dragon riders behind me. So we introduced ourselves and became good allies.

Sorry i use tons of spaces i just wanted to make it long. And also want to put how we meat bassed what i have planned for the next chapter.

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