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Hi so i will try to finish this book for a couple more chapters and by then you can dicide for more chapters or not. And i seen destruction since i can't avoid spoilers till Saturday so their will be some. My deepest apologies.

Hiccup pack was scared of my dragon rider friends. "It's okay sweetie their my friends." I told him. "Dragon riders this is my youngest hiccup pack the first." I told them. Hiccup p crawled back to his siblings waking up Heather. Heather came to my paws and looked at the dragon riders.

"And this is my oldest heather." I said looking at my beautiful razorwhip daughter. "It's nice to meet them but why are you in dragon form?" Hiccup asked. "Because i layed them last week and they hatched yesterday so for a bit i will be in my dragon form." I told them as I noticed i was turning back to my human self. I quickly grabbed a blanket to wrap around me for i never have clothes on when i transform to human again. My kids turned into their human selfs as well I grabbed a towel to put over them.

"Why you put a blanket on you?" Fishlegs asked as i got up and grabbed clothes. "Because i never have clothes on when i turn into my human self. I am not sure why but they all tear up." I explained going into the bathroom. I got dressed as they talked to nathile. I grabbed a bucket and filled it with water. I came out with it and a towel.

I placed the towel on the ground and the bucket on it. "What are you doing?" Astrid asked. I grabbed some baby clothes that adrien, mari, Marinette, alya, nino, camicazi, nathile, gabriel, and my mom got for my kids. "I am going to wash my hatchlings." I said as i put the clothes down and went to grab the body wash and a rag. "Oh well what were you doing before we crashed here?" Hicca asked.

I put them down as heather was holding the blanket sliding to the floor. "Wow Heather carful!" I said. "We were doing homework since she will be homeschooled for a few years." Nathile explained to them. I gently put Heather in the bath as the dragon riders sit on the floor. I wash all of my hatchlings and put clothes and diapers on while we chated.

I put them in their cribs that adrien, mari, Marinette, alya, nino, camicazi, nathile, gabriel, and my mom got for them. I sat on my bed thinking i am forgetting something. "Astrid p you alright?" Hiccup h said. "Yeah i just feel like I'm forgetting something." I said. Nathile noticed something on the floor. "Um maybe someone on the floor?" Nathile said.

I looked to see Heather. "Heather, what am I going to do with you? You just want to explore now don't you?" I asked her. I put her in her crib again. "I should take you back to your timeline." I said. *start music* "Don't be upset or mad at all, don't feel regret or sad at all, yeah i'm still the nice and kind person, Astrid..." I started singing as my dragon wings, ears, and tail formed.

When i flapped my wings I instantly fell back first to the ground sending pain all over my back, wings, and tail. Cousin gabriel came up very quickly. "Who are you?" He asked. "Don't worry there my friends but from different timeline. I was going to take them back to their timeline but I feel on my back." I explained to him. I winced as i got up.

Astrid, fishlegs, gabriel, and nathile looked over my back. "Astrid p can you sing a song for awhile so we can check your wings amd tails?" Fishlegs asked. I nodded and started singing. "Don't be upset or mad at all, Don't feel regret or sad at all, Hey, I'm still the kind and nice person, Astrid, And I'm fine, I am totally fine, I will stand on the side as you hide," i singed. They checked my wings and tail and gasped.

"What?" I asked. "Um your wings are damaged." Astrid said. I couldn't tell if she was serious or not. I slowly turned my head to see my wings covered in green. I sighed.

"It's just slinkwing goe. I can wash it off." I explained as my wings, tail, and ears disappeared. I got up. "I will wash them off later but for now you 7 can stay in here so no one sees you." I said. Gabriel and nathile left. Suddenly heather woke up.

"Oh Heather what's wrong?" I said. She was crying a bit. "I will be right back." I told the dragon riders as i went into the bathroom so Heather can drink milk *again not comfortable with that*. After she was done she was wide awake. "I guess I should teach you to walk." I said.

I exited the bathroom. "Why did you need to go in there?" Fishlegs asked. "Hicca should know the answer but I won't say." I said. I gently placed heather on the bed. "What you doing?" Astrid asked.

"Well i thought to teach heather to crawl and walk." I told them as I grabbed a blanket. I placed it on the floor and use some things to put the edges up. I gently grabbed Heather and put her on the blanket. She immediately knew how to crawl. I was shocked.

"Is she sopostu know that fast?" Snotlout asked. "No maybe since yesterday she was trying to walk to her siblings she knew how to." I said confused. Suddenly hiccup p woke up. I gently grabbed him. "Can you watch heather for me?" I asked the gang.

They nodded yes. I went to the bathroom and did the same i did for heather to hiccup. He was wide awake when done. I put him down next to heather. They hugged eachother in the cutest way.

Both of them got their dragon wing, tail, and ears. "They must get their dragon side shown when they are with their siblings." I said. Heather helped hiccup p crawl. I smiled as i sat down next to the blanket. Heather tried standing and somehow stand still without wobbling.

I was so proud and confused. But it didn't last long as there was something hit against my head. I blacked out. That was all I could remember along with the words from two different voices, "mommy?". I couldn't think or remember anything.

There you go i will work on this book and there will be short chapters. Sorry if this was short. Please check my other books out, vote, and comment. Hope you enjoyed. Bye!

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