Princess Power

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So me and my friend that is Princess Power in the book played during recess (about if we could be superheros and that was in 2000) when we were younger and remembering those memories she inspired me. So let's go on shall we.

First day of eighth grade. Wow how fast this year gone by. I was singing a song from rescue riders. I was hoping for a nice day. Last school year there was a girl named cat that lied like a rug (reference to liela Rosie, sorry couldn't help my self).

She was there for one day then soposivly went around the world then after spring break she was back. She told me that she would turn all my friends against me and make my life miserable. So since then i been making sure that all my friends won't go against me. When I crossed the street a car nearly hit me. I ran out of the way and tryed not to scream bad words.

"Hay watch where you are going!" I said. Then went to class. When i was at my locker i heared my friend marinette. "Hey astrid can i talk to you?" I heard her say. "Sure mari what you need?" I asked as i turned around from my locker after closing it and organizing it again and grab what i need.

"Well i heard cat say that you hit her is it true?" Mari said. "What no of course not why would i? I have no reason to hit her or do anything bad to her." I said. Then mari pulled me to class. Everyone was staring. "Okay mari what did cat do. Tell the class i hit her and she a princess power's, viking's, and nightlight's BFF." I said while taking my seat.

"Well better hide your sketch stuff. And yes." Mari said. "Well it is at home so i can't." I said thinking i will get bullied and count down the seconds. I remembered that there are cameras in classrooms. After mari took her seat next to me dagor and heather came in. "Hey dagor, heather. Today is buetyful isn't?" I asked the twins.

They slammed there hands on my desk. "WHY DID YOU HURT CAT?" Dagor pracicly yelled in my ear. "Okay will someone explain what is going on here? And if you too hurt me there are cameras and my mom knows the principal, so she can check the cameras to see why i have a scar or got beat up." I said. Then the bell ring.

Everyone took there seat and our teacher came in. I felt so many glares at me for the whole school day. When it was lunch i told my mom that me and mari were going to my house to have a sandwich for lunch. Then the ground shoock, we were just out side of compass and duck under a bench. Once the shacking stop me and mari (mari behind me) walked across the street and in the football feald in cass anything fell.

But nothing did. So me and mari finished walking to my house and ate lunch. Once we finished we walked to compass taking notice of the time we see some of the am kindergartners got picked up over at dora. There was a akuma atack. Me and mari ran back to my house we transformed and went to save idaho.

Hi sorry this took so long i just didn't have time and wasn't inspired very much but i will try to get the next chapter out soon. Comment if you want flashbacks to inbetween some chapters.

Dragon out!🐶🐯🐐🐷🐱🐭🦊🐉🐵🦋🐴🦅🐔🐞🐲🐢🐍🐰

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