Corination day! Part 2

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Hi! This is the last chapter! I hope you like the chapter and book! Please vote what you think about the whole book!

Suddenly the boy near the boat moved! The dragons growled. "Woah calm down guys!" I told them. I walked to the boy and nudged his hand. He woke up and got away from me.

I then noticed he had a backpack with him. I went over and sniffed it. I smelt a dragon, but not sure what. I tried opening the bag. It soon fell open.

A dragon rolled out of it. I looked at the boy. I went over and sniffed him. He was clearly scared. I sat and looked at him, like how toothless looked at hiccup h sometimes.

"I won't hurt you!" I told him and began introducing him to me and my friends as me and hiccup h turned to our human-self and still had our clothes on. "And you are?" I asked him. "I, um, i can't remember, but the names hiccup, toothless, fishlegs, snotlout, and stormfly sound familiar though." The boy said. Then i relised something. "Hiccup must be you name! Do you remember anything about a island named tomorrow?" I asked him.

"Um yeah. But how you know?" The younger hiccup asked. "I don't have time to explain! Right now we need to get you to that island i will explain on the way there!" I said as I signaled dart to come. "Dragon riders get ready for a flight and fight!" I said as i grabbed the younger hiccup bag and helped him up. He put his bag on with the dragon inside it. "We will call the younger hiccup, mm, G Hiccup! And the one we are familiar with NF Hiccup." I said as i helped G Hiccup on darts saddle and lift myself on her.

"G sounds familiar somehow." G hiccup said. "Does grimbeared the ghastly sound familiar?" I asked him as our dragons started flapping there wings. "Um yeah." He replied. "Dragon riders, let's head to the nearest island!" I told them as our dragons did my command. "The reason i know about a island called tomorrow, is because in my timeline there are books of a boy named Hiccup Herenderous Haddock the third, and the books inspired the movie and shows.

I have all twelve books. In the last 4 there is a dragon rebellion witch hiccup didn't mean to release a sea dragon gigantimus maxumus, that was hiccup's relatives dragon brother, Hiccup Herenderous Haddock The Second! The dragons name is-" I explained to them about the book series of how to train your dragon. No it doesn't effect anything in my books and they achely don't hear me only in my truth or dare book, and this is like a different timeline before any of the movies and shows of httyd started. When the dragons went in the ocean a few hundred years passed and then different dragons came and then httyd movies and shows explain the rest, but they don't remember any of those names.

We soon arived at the island of tomorrow and G Hiccup gotten his memory back. We landed on the sand, we all dismounted and i helped G Hiccup off dart. "Hello the dragon guardians of the island of tomorrow? Yeah there been a terrible mistake! You see alvin the treacherous and his mother have gotten the kings lost things from Hiccup Herenderous Haddock The Third, son of Stoick the vast oh hear his name and tremble who is the cheif of the hairy hooligans! Since hiccup was about ten, or what some people say and i quote '2 and a half' years old since he was born on February 29th, he found all the kings lost things without noticing." I told the dragon guardians.

Suddenly some people were running at us. They surrounded us while we got in battle mode. "Wait calm down everyone!" G hiccup said. Everyone backed away from us and lead us to a building that was rumbled. We were brought to the front of a BIG crowd next to a man with one eye, one leg, one hand, no nose, and no hair!

I slowly growled knowing this is Alvin the treacherous! "My son Hiccup here is the true king of the wilderwest!" A man that looked probably 30-40 years old with a red beard and hair with a helmet and a tattoo on his forehead that looked like a dragon without wings said. He explained everything G Hiccup has done to get the kings lost things. Then he turned to us once done. "And who are you?" He asked us.

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