Three months

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Hey I don't really have anything to say right now so um enjoy.

Whoever said the first few months with a baby is the easiest is a liar.

Lemme tell you having three 3 month old babies is not easy, it's not like I went into it expecting it to be easy because that's just unrealistic. The only thing that made it better was them and Jackson. He's been the best father and loves them so much it's insane.

We kind of have an idea of who the babies resemble the most as of right now. Mathew looks like Jackson, he has Jackson's black hair and grey/blue eyes. Mason looks like a mix of us, his hair is a darker brown and he has grey/green eyes with flecks of blue, Melanie is a spitting image of me she has my medium brown hair and emerald green eyes. They all have the cutest dimples, getting it from me. They're the three most gorgeous babies I have seen and I'm not saying that because I'm their mom.


I am currently getting them ready so we could head over to Jackson's parents house because they're having a little breakfast thing. Jackson had to help a friend out with their car so he went to do that but should be at his mom's shortly. I put Mason in a blue shirt onesie and blue shorts then Mathew in the same thing but it's a brown color, Melanie is wearing something similar but it's spaghetti strap and the shorts have frills at the end. I had all three babies ready to go and it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. They seem to be in a really good mood today, which is great because usually when one is in a bad mood the other two are too. I got myself ready in a tan croptop and black shorts with a pair of sneakers. After getting everyone in the car and situated I drove off, of course the drive was short and as soon as I got there Lydia was waiting outside the door.

"I give me my nephew" she says as I take Mathew's car seat out first and I pass it to her.

"It's nice to see you too" I hug her and take out Mason next only for Luke to take the car seat out of my hands.

"I got him" he gives me a quick hug and starts making faces at Mason.

"Nobody gives a proper hi anymore" I shake my head getting Melanie's car seat out along with the baby bag and locking the car then heading into the house. "I come bearing grandchildren" I say as enter the house and hear squeals.

"Oh my goodness they've gotten so big!" Emma looks down at all three babies with a big smile on her face. She just recently moved back and has a condo with an amazing view.

"They definitely have" I sit on the couch with Melanie in my hands, bouncing her on my leg as she plays with her pacifier.

"Where are my grand babies?!" Rachel comes into the living room and smiles widely when she sees them.

"Right here" I say and she picks Melanie up then gives me a hug.

"Oh my goodness aren't you the most gorgeous girl" she bounces Melanie slightly and makes funny faces.

"She's one of the most beautiful girls" I hear Jackson's voice and turn around to see him looking me up and down with a smirk.

"Oh yeah who's the other?" I ask as he comes up to me.

"This girl, she has long brown hair, beautiful emerald green eyes, the most captivating smile and the cutest dimples, she has the most gorgeous body, and she so happens to be my fiancé" he named things making me blush.

"Wow she sounds wonderful" I smile.

"She is" he plants a soft kiss on my lips and I deepen it then we pulls away for air.

"Mommy and daddy need to get a room huh?" Luke asks looking to Mason then us.

"No they don't, these babies are the outcome of the last time they got a room" Lydia says making us laugh.

"You're right, while I do want more grand children these three are enough for right now" Rachel smiles patting Jackson's shoulder then passing him Melanie.

"How's daddy's Huh?" He asks tossing her into the air lightly then catching her.

"They've been in a really good mood today, I got them dressed easily and in the car no problem" I kiss Mathew's head.

"That's good" Jackson smiles and I look to Mason who's lip starts quivering and I knew that if he starts crying the other babies will too. It's about time for them to eat so that's probably what it us.

"Looks like little man is hungry" Lydia hands him to me just as he's about to wail. I lift my shirt slightly and he latches on easily. I grab a feeding cloth from the baby bag and drape it over his head because he usually naps after feeding and the window light was shining right on him.

"How do you know when their cry is because they need to eat?" Luke asks.

"Well we have a schedule and they have different cries, you just have to pay attention to which one it is" I tell him and he nods. Mason fed for 30 minutes then fell asleep so I put him in his car seat and rocked him. Mathew ate after him then Melanie and soon all three babies were napping upstairs in a crib we put in Jackson's old room. I had a baby monitor in there just in case they wake up or something. Us adults ate then we started wedding planning since it's in 2 months.

"I think these flowers with these center pieces would look amazing with the venue" Emma shows me a He magazine and I loved the pieces.

"Yes it would match so well" Lydia agrees.

"Defiantly, write down the shop number so we can call them later" I toss her the notepad we had written other numbers on along with a pen.

"Hey babe did you pick out the center pieces?" Jackson asks kissing my head then sitting next to me.

"Yeah look" I show him.

"Ooh those match" he says and I nod. "Oh I just found my tux so the guys and I will go to the fitting next week" he informs me and I nod. We've been slowly wedding planning for a few weeks, nothing too crazy. We wanted to wait till the babies were a little bit older to have the wedding mainly because we didn't want them to get super fussy.

It was a nice time wedding planning and we had gotten a lot of stuff on the check list done. A few hours later we had dinner then went home and gave the babies a bath then put them to bed. Jackson and I had some shower sexy times and I throughly enjoyed every moment. Afterwards we watched a movie and I fell asleep in his arms.

I just realized I was getting a little too into the book like I started writing it a little less insane than I had planned. It was only supposed to be between 2-5 chapters, this might be around 17 or 18 not sure.

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