Second times a charm

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Ok this is the last chapter until the epilogue. Man was writing this a roller coaster, I'll save all the sappiness. 😁

9 months laters...

"Come on babe you got this just one more push" Jackson holds my hand for support.

"One... two.. three.. push!" Doctor Perry says and I push with all my might.

A beautiful cry fills the room and I smile knowing I had done it.

"Look at the beautiful boy" she places him on my chest and I kiss his head lightly. Two more boys to add to the family.

"He's so cute" Jackson smiles holding our other son Max while I hold Micheal.

"You did amazing" Rachel beams at the little baby in my arms.

After a bit I fed both of them and the nurses come back so that they could take the babies for testing.

Everyone came into the room and we waited until he nurses bring them back. Less than five minutes later they do and everyone plays with the babies for a bit until it's time to feed them again.

After a few hours the babies had fell asleep and everyone went home except Jackson. We were laying in the hospital bed almost falling asleep.

"I love you so much" he says kissing my forehead.

"I love you so much too" I say and we fall asleep.

The night was easy other than having to wake up and feed the babies or soothe them when they cried. After dealing with three newborns at once only dealing with two was a breeze.

Two days later...

We finally are able to bring the babies home to meet their siblings. I'm super excited for the kids to meet their younger brothers.

We drove to Rachel's and got the babies out of the car then made our way inside. The kids sat on the couch patiently as we walked in.

"Mommy's baby?" Melanie asks excitedly, pointing to Max's car seat.

"Yes this is Max" I place the car seat down and take him out carefully.

"Who's that?" Mathew asks pointing to Micheal.

"This is Michael your other brother" Jackson says holding Micheal and rocking him.

"Two babies?" Mason's eyes widen.

"Yeah remember mommy said she was having two babies" I explain.

"Wow" Mason smiles.

Melanie sits on her legs and gets a closer look at Max, she smiles and giggles as he moves a bit.

"You want to hold him?" I ask.

"Yeah!" She squeals quietly and grabs a pillow and sets it on her lap.

I position her arms and place him down still holding his head. She smiles widely and kisses his head lightly. I could almost cry at how cute it was.

"Daddy I want him" Mathew reaches for Micheal and Jackson does the same thing but places the pillow across both boy's laps. They stare at their baby brother in awe and smile at each other.

"How's it going in here?" Brandon asks entering the living room.

"Really good" I smile as they play with their brothers.

"Awe they're so cute" Rachel comes in behind him.

After a bit the babies start to get fussy and I knew it was feeding time so I fed them and Jackson burped them. The kids wouldn't leave my side and wanted to be by the babies 24/7.

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