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Y/N came back to her cabin, and went to bathroom to change. The hospital is very luxurious in because of course, it's 1 of the biggest hospitals in Korea. So in every cabin there  are service of bathing, because sometime night shift workers has to clean up so that's why hospital provide services.

So she wash up and took a quick shower and change her outfit. She always carries one pair extra because of an emergency. And she stepped out of bathroom and took a seat and rest her elbow on table to support her head resting on her palm.

And that's when reality hits her 'Oh I have to check on Taehyung' She said to herself. I stood and wore her coat and clinical mask and left her room. 

She entered in ICU and went near Taehyung who was still Unconscious. She checked him and wrote some reports. When she noticed movements in Taehyung's eyes, she was surprised yet happy that, Taehyung is gaining consciousness.

His eyes slowly opened, his vision was still blurred and he was trying to see and figure out, what is happening around him. Meanwhile Y/N was leaning a little towards his face and was hoping that everything is fine with him.


I opened my eyes and everything was blurred and I had a pain in my body. When slowly everything started to clear up. The first thing I saw was, A PAIR OF EYES staring directly in my soul. She had a mask on her face but those eyes were beautiful and deep like an ocean. I obviously saw these eyes before and know whom they belongs to. I know who she is.

I snapped out of my thoughts when she touched my shoulder lightly and said "Mr. Kim, Are you okay?" Her voice is like a music to my ears, I forgot all my pain just by listening to her soft angelic voice. I didn't said anything and maybe because of that she panicked and again spoke "Are you able to recognise anything?" I wanted to speak but words weren't coming out of my throat. But then I saw her eyes they were tearing up, I can't see bear tears in those eyes so, I cleared my throat "I am okay. But my body is paining." I said with a cold voice. I as soon as I said those words she started to tear up more. 'Was I very rude? Why she is crying more?' I question myself.

Then I came back to reality when I heard her voice again "Thank God, You are okay." She said I sighed in relief that I didn't hurt her. And then took her mask off. I was staring at beautiful face, she was crying but her lips were smiling, which made happy. She came towards me and took the remote and started to make bed a bit up so that I can sit. Then she helped me with my position because my hand and legs are plastered. Then she stepped back and took out a diary and pen from her pocket.

 "Mr. Kim, I have to ask some questions about your health. So we can proceed. Please co-operate with me." She said with pleading eyes.

"Yes, Please ask." I said being professional. I don't want her to know, that what is my mind right now.

"So Mr. Kim, do you remember who are you and about you past life." She said making me confused like why she is asking about who I am? 

"What do you mean by that Doctor?" I asked her.

"Actually Mr. Kim, It's about injury on your back of your head. When we performed surgery on it we remove the blood clot but, it's has a very high chances of memory loss. So that's I am asking you this question." She explained.

"Oh, okay.... I understand now. So yeah, I remembered everything about my past life."

"I am very glad to hear that, you've not lost your memories." she said with a big smile on her face, which made my eyes shine. Then continued "Mr. Kim, you need rest and I want you to take rest as much as you can, and please don't take any type of stress or pressure, it'll have a effect your mental health." She said in a serious yet in worried tone. 

"Of course, Doctor. I'll will not take stress." I paused before saying again "If you don't mind, may I know your name Doctor." Obviously I knew it. But just wanna hear it from her mouth.

"Oh... Sure.... I am really sorry for not introducing myself at the first place. My name is Min Y/N. I am Head Vascular Specialist." She introduced herself and of course I knew it all. " So Mr. Kim, I'll take my leave and I'll inform Mr. Jeon. He'll be there. And there is a button on a left corner, please press it if you feel uneasy or if you want anything." She said with concern and a slight smile. I nodded in agreement. Then bowed and left. I was staring at her disappearing figure.

I sighed and closed my eyes.


I came out of the ICU. And I am heading towards my cabin. I was very happy to see that Taehyung has not loses his memory. But it was painful to see him in pain. I reached at cabin a settled myself on chair. I sighed and took out my phone from my coat's pocket and also the card that Mr. Jeon gave me from the right cabinet and I dial the number, and waited for him to pick after 4th ring he picked up.

"Hello, Who is this?" he asked. 

"Hello, Mr. Jeon. I am Dr. Y/N." I said.

"Ohh.... I am sorry Dr. Y/N, I didn't recognise your voice. Please tell me."

"Actually Mr. Jeon, Mr. Kim has came to his senses, and the good news is he didn't loses is memories." I said excitedly,

"Really!!!" He said in disbelieving. "Thank you so much, Dr. Y/N."

 "Mr. Jeon, can you please come here? I mean I think Mr. Kim needs mental support." 

" Yeah.... Yeah..... I am already on my way. I'll be there in some minutes." I sighed in relief and smiled like an idiot.


What will happen in both life after this event. And how does Taehyung knew everything about Y/N. Stay tuned for the story.

To be continued......


This was the chapter 4 of this book.....

Please share and vote for me if you like it and if you have any suggestion please let me know in the comments 

thank you and

BORAHAE 💜💜💜💜💜 

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