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chapter 11 | quinces escort

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chapter 11 | quinces escort

OLIVIA AND HER FAMILY WERE AT THE DINNER TABLE, HAVING DINNER TOGETHER. Normally, Marcelina and Thomas would come home late because of their jobs of working as a nurse and a business man but they decided to have dinner together as a family for today.

Now here is Olivia, trying to convince her parents to let her stay at Charlottes house.

"Can I please stay over at Charlotte's house?!" Olivia convinced her parents once again, hoping they would say yes after a million tries.

"No. You can't have sleepovers with any other people except for Alex because we trust him... and maybe because he's our next door neighbour but still." Thomas said.

"But why not?! Everyone in the girls group is going." The redhead whined and this caused Marcelina to sigh.

"Remember what happened last time back in Texas when you were 6 years old." Marcelina said as she raised her brows.

"No, what happened?" Olivia asked causing her mother to sigh, having to explain the situation a million times.

"You were trying to bake a cake with Maddie and didn't realise that you set it to a high temperature. And that caused a fire to come out. Remember?"

"Oh yeah. Whoops. Okay, well that was seven years ago! And I was only 6, I didn't know how to bake anything at that time!" Olivia argued.

"Well, then you shouldn't have come up with the idea of baking when you know you didn't know how to." Thomas said.

"Ugh! Fine whatever." Olivia groaned as she continued finishing the last bite of her food and looked up to her parents.

"Okay, well if you don't let me have a sleepover at charlottes, can I at least go to the alvarez now and chill there for a bit? " Olivia asked.

"Yes, you can." Marcelina said. "But first, take Lucas with you!"

"What, why?!"

"Because, your father and I want some alone time and also I think Lucas would really want to go with you. I mean, look at his cute face." Marcelina cooed.

"Ugh, fine i guess." Olivia rolled her eyes. "Come on Lucas." She let out her hand as he gently took it as the two left the apartment and knocked on the Alvarez door.

"It's open!"

She opened the door with a big smile on her face and greeted everyone.

𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 - 𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐱 𝐚𝐥𝐯𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐳 Where stories live. Discover now