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chapter 22 | working hard

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chapter 22 | working hard

"HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE THIS SHOES?" Alex questioned the redhead who was playing a video game with Schneider and Elena, pointing towards his new sneakers that Lydia bought for him.

"I didn't say, I didn't like it. It's just..what's the point of buying new pairs when you already have a lot of other ones?" Olivia stated , making him gasp dramatically. Olivia rolled her eyes at him before turning her attention back on her video game.

"Abuelita, take a picture for my Insta. I'm gonna stare this way so it doesn't look like I know you're doing it." Alex said. Olivia and Elena looked at Alex with judged eyes and started laughing.

"Could you guys stop? I'm trying to look good here." Alex huffed, taking out his shoe and putting it next to his ear as Lydia took a photo. "Oh honey, when do you ever looked good?" Elena joked, clapping Olivia's hands as they both laughed out loud.

Just then, Penelope came out of the kitchen upon seeing Alex with his shoe next to his ear. "What's going on south of your ankles, buddy? Aren't those the expensive sneakers that I said you couldn't have?"

Olivia turned her attention back on the video game, not wanting to hear the lecture that Penelope was about to give Alex.

"Ooh, Liv I'm beating you!" Schneider said. "Oh yeah?" Olivia said as she took one final hit, and the game ended, revealing that she won.

"Dang it!" Schneider groaned causing her to laugh. Olivia got up from the couch and went over beside Alex, linking her arm with his.

"Scott and lori are on vacation. And Doctor Berkowitz needs somebody in the office to help with filing." Penelope said, pointing towards Alex.

"Oh..but if he goes to work with you, I barely get to see him." Lydia pouted, hugging Alex.

"Yeah I'm okay with that." Penelope cringed. "Same here." Olivia huffed.

"You are just jealous that my papito is giving me more attention than you." Lydia joked causing Olivia to raise her brows and rolling her eyes jokingly.

"You start tomorrow." Penelope said. "You're so unfair!" Alex groaned, walking off to his room.

"I'm just kidding, pelliroja. You can get him all you want." Lydia smirked, making Olivia cringe in disgust and walked off behind Alex.


Olivia stayed back at the Alvarez apartment to help Elena on her Twitch live while waiting for Alex to come back from work.

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