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chapter 12 | project

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chapter 12 | project

"SERIOUSLY?! YOU'RE DOING YOUR PROJECT WITH HIM?!" Alex exclaimed. Alex was currently yelling at Olivia about her doing the country project with Bianca's brother, Henry.

"Yeah, so?" Olivia frowned.

"So?! Why out of all people, him?! You could've have done it with me!" Alex exclaimed and pointed at himself. Olivia rolled her eyes at his behaviour.

The two teenagers were currently arguing about their new project that they had to do. Everyone had to pick a partner they wanted to do their projects with and picked Henry to be her partner instead of Alex.
(A/n: I know that there weren't any partners picking but in my story it does)

"Okay, Alex, first of all, I actually wanted to pick you as my partner but then you decided to pick freaking Stacy as your partner!" Olivia argued back.

"Well that wasn't my fault! I saw you talking to Henry when I was trying to talk to you so I decided to just pick Stacy as my partner!"

"Oh my goodness alex. He wasn't even asking to be my partner at that time, he was just asking me what country I was going to pick!" Olivia spat.

"Oh." he mumbled. Olivia rolled her eyes and walked out of his room.

"What are you two arguing about?" Elena asked as she ate a big spoon of her food.

"Alex is jealous because I picked Henry to be my partner for the project." Olivia rolled her eyes.

"What? I-I'm not jealous." Alex stuttered.

"Wait, Henry?! Isn't that the guy that came over for Doctor Berkowitz's birthday party?" Elena eyes widen and Olivia nodded. "Oh my god, you guys are so cute." She cooed.

Her smiled immediately flattened as she saw her brother glaring at her and continued eating her food. Alex and Olivia sat down and started eating their foods.

"Why are you guys fighting? You know me and your abuelo always fought last time because he was jealous about this guy flirting with me but we made up and stop fighting." Lydia told.

"What made you guys stop fighting?" Olivia asked. Lydia looked at the kids with a smirk causing them to groan in disgust. (if ykyk)

"I think I just lost my appetite.." Olivia cringed.

"Hey everybody." Penelope said.

𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 - 𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐱 𝐚𝐥𝐯𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐳 Where stories live. Discover now