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chapter 14 | travel team

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chapter 14 | travel team

"HURRY UP, OPEN IT I WANNA SEE IF YOU GOT IN!" Olivia chanted as she shook Alex's shoulder over and over again.

"I would, but if you could please stop shaking me that'll be very easy for me!" Alex scolded and Olivia took her hands off of his shoulders.

Olivia and Alex were in his room, looking at his computer to see if Alex got in the travel team. Alex has been talking to Olivia about how he wanted to be in the travel team so many times and she was kind of annoyed by it.

Alex looked at his emails and his eyes immediately widen once he saw it was an email from his baseball coach.

"OH MY GOD! ITS AN EMAIL FROM MY BASEBALL COACH!" Alex exclaimed, shaking Olivia's shoulder's.

"Okay, now you have to stop shaking my shoulders and stop screaming dude!" Olivia said to Alex's face as he rolled his eyes and checked the email and immediately screamed like a girl which made Olivia eyes widen at him.

"What?! I told you to stop screami-"


"Wait, seriously?!"

"YEAH! Look." Alex said. Olivia went to read the email on the laptop.

"Dear Alex Alvarez, we are pleased to inform you that you have made it in the travel team!" Olivia read out and immediately squealed.



"I'm so proud of you Alex!" Olivia squealed as she pulled Alex into a hug.

"Thanks, Livi." Alex chuckled before hugging back and they pulled away shortly after.

"Come on, let's go tell everyone else." Alex said as he grabbed Olivia's hand and brought her to where everyone else were.

"Oh my god, you guys. I just got an email from my baseball coach and-"

"I made the travel team!" Schneider yelled as he opened the Alvarez apartment door. Olivia raised her brows and chuckled. "Him. He made the travel team."

Penelope gasped before hugging Alex which mad Olivia smile in awe.

"Oh man. All those practices I took you to finally paid off. I did it! Him. He did it."

𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 - 𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐱 𝐚𝐥𝐯𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐳 Where stories live. Discover now