A story to tell!

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Me: *deep exhale*

Finally home!

It was about time I get back here!

Why did they need to use dogs....

This is ridiculous!

Why am I even doing this.....

I had such a good life?!

Me: *sigh* Where is the medical kit?!

After my long way back to the air bnb without any rest, I was very close to passing out. This was horrible. I was covered in blood, my onwn included, and was sweaty and just tired. Before I would rest which means collapse on the ground, I wanted to make sure that I attended to my wound on the shoulder and get a proper bath first. I smelled horribly but what did you expect when I was walking in the sewege system for about hours!

Why do the bad guys always need to chase me?!

Why dogs tho?!

I hate killing them!

So why have them chasing me!!!

This is soo cruel!

I would never kill them if not for them to actually threaten to tear me up!

I mean they are just blindly following orders!

They are trained that way... they can't do anything about it!

God still a dog bite hurts soo much!

And these german shepherds and rottweiler... dangerous dogs!

Me: *Sigh* This hurts! Where are some pain killers!

First thing I did upon arriving was walk to my bag with only few belongings since I was always moving, then get the medical kit out that was hidden under some clothing and walk directly to the bathroom with it and some spare cloths. Mine were offically ruined. Blood was pretty hard to get out.

At least I could save these ferrets!

God this small little child was soo cute!

I wish I could have hugged the kid!

I am really soo disguested with how people are treating them!

They are like us!

They deserve some rights!

They are not mindless animals!

They have feelinds too!

I don't get why humans can't understand that!

The shower was a short one just to get all the dirt and blood off me. Next step was desinfecting the wound and also pathing it up. I've done this time and time again so it wasn't a big deal anymore. My skin was also litered with a lot of scars. Most of them were bullet, dog bites as well as cut wounds from a machety.

Once that was done, I knew that I couldn't stay here in this air bnb anymore. The people which were after me were dangerous once and there was really no way they wouldn't find out who I was or where I was staying. So I needed to get this done quickly.

Me: Okay... I am dressed up and ready to shot... OH WAIT! I need some food!

Nothing was about to be done on an empty stomach especially when I knew that I needed to get the hell out of the hous and walk miles again. I also had a camping tent and things to just sleep outside since I really do this very often.

Me: A good cup of noodle! My best friend!

I wish I could get something else to eat....

But these are good!

Not gonna complain about them when this is the only thing I can afford while also making sure to pay Mari.

It is worth it!

At least I can safe lives this way!

Besides I am a bit addicted to this!

Maybe should eat something else too...

I made my cup of noddles and sad down on the floor while also looking at the things on my phone. I had a lot of images that showes the animal - shifters and how they were put in cages and treated as well as a bloody room where I was sure they made some experiments with them.

Once done eating, I put the pictures on the TV and started a live video threat. I knew some pages and I knew my way to be online. I wasn't a popular singer for nothing! I had my own ways and soo many fake accoutns that I lost count of them!

Me: Hello everyone! If you don't know me, please just call me Spirit. Recently I came across something that had chills running down my spine! Look at this!

I shifted my camera angel to the TV and showed them the shifters.

Me: Look at that! Humans can be disguasting! Look at what they are doing!

I made sure to show every single picture I had caught.

Me: I have good news for you! These poor ferrets are saved! 

All of the sudden I could hear some sirens and I knew that these guys called the police and it didn't made it any better that I basically broke in to save these guys. Besides the government and the police were also hunting for me.

Did I do anything wrong besides basically breaking into other properties to save people?


Not at all!

I never did anything illegal besides the neccessary...

Naturally also killing inlcuded.

I wouldn't do stuff like this if they wouldn't try to kill me first! It's survivor of the fittest and it also is kill or be killed. So I don't really have another choice. The first kill was hard, I still remember shaking soo much and having nightmare about blood and everything but if I didn't killed back then, I would be dead by now. Same for all the other times.

Me: Well I need to get moving! Till the next time when I find more shifters in need!

Just like that I tunred off the video, quickly got my things together and left the place in a hurry. The people I had as enemies were no joke and I for sure don't want them to catch me!

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