A wolf on the run

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It's been 2 days now that I am in anima city and Marie is really taking good care of me. She even told me that today was some kind of event in the city. Tho as much as I wanted to watch it, my back hurt really badly. The dogs and the guys back at the warehouse didn't go easy on me. For the past 2 days I was laying in bed with a terrible fever or so she told me. To be quite honest, I can't remember anything anymore. All I know was that the dogs were chasing me after I kinda tried to ecsape and then collapsed because they got me.

Me: Marie, you sure you don't want to go there?

Marie: What are you talking about girl! If I go who is looking after you?

Me: You do know that I've been through worse. You should really go and enjoy the event!

Marie: Nope! I am not gonna leave you be!

Me: Just go! I know how much you want to go!

Abyss: WUF!

Me: See Abyss agrees with me.

Marie: Ahh fine! Nothing good comes out with arguing with you!

Me: Hahaha I know. I have a thick skull and am stubborn as hell.

Marie: Just stay home and don't go out today, okaya?

Me: I got it, don't worry!

Me: Now go and have some fun!

I knew how much she wanted to go to the event snince she was talking to me about it the whole day. It was already nearly time for it to start and she was daydreaming the whole time telling me how huge the preperations for it. She was super hyped and I couldn't help but feel sad that she was taking care for me and miss her chance to go there.

So this was why I told her to just go but if I had know that I would end up on the streats searching for Abyss then I would have insisted for her to stay.

I can't believe Abyss just dissapeared on me!

Why would he suddenly run out or more like jump out of the open window?!

What's wrong with him?!

The moment Abyss just dashed and jumped out of the window had me soo worried that I jumped up and ran out of the house ignoring all the pain. Now I was lost and didn't even know where I was.

Me: ABYSS!!!

After a while of walking, I could hear something and a wolf growling. There was no doubt that it was my Abyss growling like that and so I ran towards the voices.


Abyss: ARROOOO!!!


Why in the world would you lead me here?!

I swear this wolf!

I can't fight like this!

Why are you attacking them!

What if something happens to you!


Me: Abyss, stop it!

I couldn't believe what I saw. There was a child, animal shifter and a lot of guys ganging on the poor thing. They were trying to get the kid in the van but my wolf was attacking them and just by how they took out their guns and tried to fight my wolf, I knew that they were humans as well. Now the only problem was that I was unarmed and couldn't fight them back at all. There was literally nothing I could do. On top of that I was injured.

Abyss: ARROOOO!!!!

After Abyss get sent thrown against a brick wall, I hurried and run inbetween him and the bad guys. I didn't care how much they would hurt me but I raised Abyss and he was like family too me. The only one I had left.

???: Humans... HOW DID YOU GET HERE!


Who the heck is that wolf-shifter?

Ahh it doesn't matter!

The situation I am in is quite bad!

He will think that I am with them!

100% sure of that!

Why would he even listen to a human.

While I was thinking how to explain my situation, the bad guys started fireing at the wolf man. They gave it their all but he was faster, stronger and on top of that we were in anima city, a city full of shifters. Needless to say that the whole fight was a short one but what I didn't realize was that they had a bomb. It was only when it exploded and I was sent flying against the wall a couple of meters behind me.

Me: *cough* 

I could taste the metalic irony taste of blood. I was already in a bad shape but now I was even in a worse one. 

???: What are your plans?

Before I knew what was even happening, I felt the wolf guy grabbing my shirt and pull me up again by force. My ears were still tingeling and I even tried to shield Abyss for the short amount of time I had to react. Now I was lifted off the ground too. This was definitelly not my day.

Me: I don't... belong ... to them!

???: LIAR!

Me: *Bloody Cough*

???: Why were you doing this?

Abyss: *whimpering*

???: A wolf?

Abyss: GRRRRR!!!

Me: Abyss... stand...back...

Abyss: GRRRRRR!!!

I could hear my wolf growling getting louder from behind me and before I could command or calm my wolf down, he attacked this shifter and bit him right into his arm. The big bad wolf seemed surprised because he suddenly let go off me and I fell to the ground. Not soon after that I felt Abyss snoot in my face and his tongue. He was licking my cheek. 

Me: I am....fine...

Abyss: Arrooo!

Me: Just...tired....

Kid: Stop Mister please, don't hurt Spirit!

???: Are you okay?

Kid: Yes and if it were not for her and her wolf they would have taken me already.

???: Spirit?

Kid: Yes! Don't you follow her?

???: The heck you talking about?

Kid: She is the human who rescued soo many of our kind, my older brother included! She is soo cool!

Me: *cough* *cough*cough*

I was really tired and I felt hot too. My back hurt like hell and my lung was stining. These two were never good signs at all. On top of that I felt dizzy and I could see some black dotes already but I knew I couldn't collapse here. I had to go back.

Abyss: *whining*

Me: Let's *cough* go *cough* back....

Kid: Spirit!

???: You think you can more being like this?

Despite what they said, I stood up and looked the man in his eyes.

Me: I am sorry *cough* I'll leave *cough* once I get... my ...*cough* strength ....back....

That was all I said before collapsing. I really wanted to get back but I just felt soo tired and horrible that it wasn't possible even to take one more step.


Abyss: ARRROOOOO!!!!!

???: HEY!

How rude....

But I guess what can I expect as a human in this city...

I hope he at least will be treating Abyss good.

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