Wolf instincts

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It's been soo long now that I was actually a wolf. Thanks to Shirou I knew how to shift but it was still different. My instincts were a lot more alert then his. It was a hard time adjusting but I was happy and glad I survived that. I was soo sure I would have died back then and yet here I was living in anima city. Thanks to the mayor I was also an offical citicen of this city now. I mean I was a shifter now. Not like I had a choice in this.

A moth past very quickly when you discovered you live and you are a wolf. At first I panicked a lot but Shioru was there for me. I felt the need to be close to him all the time and he appently too since he was always looking for oportunities to hold me in his arms . Well that was at first anyways. We quickly accepted each other and became a couple. 

It was night already and it was weird but my instincts told me that something was wrong. I already was the whole evening on edge but I literally felt something coming my way.

Shirou: Is it still bothering you?

Me: Yes.

Shirou: I can go and have a look arund if you want me?

Me: No. Don't get out of the bed.

Shirou: As you wish.

We were both laying in bed. He was behind me hugging me in his half wolf form while I was just laying there in human form. I didn't had a half form anyways. Still I loved cuddling myself close to him when he in this form the most. The smell of his wolf was calming and the fur was soo soft and warm too. 

If it wasn't for my instincts going heywire, I would have totally enjoyed and we would probably end up the night embracing each other like nearly every night. It was just a matter of time till we would have pups to take care off. That one was for sure.

Shirou: Relax, there is nothing there. Abyss would have warned us.

Me: I know....

Shirou: Cassy?

I heard something and immediately sat up and looked at the direction of the window. It was a small noise but it was definitelly coming from there. It wasn't close too but whatever was bothering me was coming closer.

Me: Shirou, I think something is coming.

Shirous: *Sigh* Why now? We had such a good time.

Me: Hehe don't ask me, ask them.

Shirou: Them?

Now I could hear their footsteps coming closer. My hearing was way batter and more than just your average hearing of an animal. I could literally pick up things from far away. Don't know why but it took some time to get used to it. 

Me: Yeah. 

Shirou: I'll make them pay to even think and bother us.

We both got out of the bed and went to the wall right next to the window so that no one could spot us easily. It didn't take long after we got out that Abyss started to howl and warn us but that howl soon followed by a bang. It was definitelly a gun shot but seeing as I could hear Abyss growl and not whimpering I knew he had the man under controll. Now all that was left was for the others to arrive.

Shirou: I'll take the left one. You right.

Me: Kay.

Shirou: Don't hold back.

Me: Ohh I wasn't about to that.

The window broke and we saw some cat shifters. Definitelly wild cats but that was not gonna save them as we both went ahead and started fighting them. Eventho I looked human, I wasn't. I still could use the speed and agility which meant that I definitelly was not moving like a normal human. Not to mention that I grabbed a bat to hit them hard too.

All it took from my side was one sollid hit and the person went down the ground. As for Shirou, he was definitelly having his fun with his opponent since he defintelly just broke some rips of them. It was his own revenge for them to have just bothered us since he wanted to have me all in his bed. 

Once glance out of the window and I could see Abyss still fighting the other shifter. Since they were not the main culptris here but sent to get me, that meant they knew who they were working for. Something told me that these people wouldn't talk to us too. So without thinking twice, I shifted into a white wolf. 


One howl of mine was enough for Abyss to stand back. The person tried to run away and I looked at Shirou, we both were ready to follow the guy since the two people on the ground would be sleeping for a long time after what we just did. Besides that Abyss was there to watch them.

I ran past Abyss and gave him a glance and a RUFF! It was an order for him to stay back and he got it right the first time. Shirou soon followed me in his full wolf form too. I wasn't your avarage wolf at all. I was 2 meters high and besides Shioru, I was just a bit smaller but we looked cute together. He was still glowing a bit while I had silvery white fur which was only reflecting the moonlinght. A match made in heaven you could say that too us.

While we ran after this person incognito, we soon found out that the place we were heading was the main medical hosptial of the city. Once we arrived we both started to follow close not letting the suspect get away. Thankfully they met outside and it was no other than the head director of this hospital too.

Director: Where is the speciment?

Attacker: They knew we were coming.

Director: Impossible.

Attacker: No. Black and Stips are gone due to them.

Director: What a pity but it couldn't be helped we need her.

Attacker: Can't you creat another one?

Director: NO! Do you know how many times we tried it already. Out of the 666 experiments we did, she was the only one to survive it. We need her DNA! She is the perfect new generation of shifter.

Attacker: If you say soo boss.

Director: So try to get her alive if possible.

Attacker: Why do you even want her? I mean I get it that you need her because she was a success but you never told me why?

Director: It's not for you to know you idiot!

Attacker: Ah fine. I'll see what I can do to get her.


I couldn't help it but let out a loud ass growl.

Did I just let them know where we are?


Did I care?

Nope! Not at all!

Seeing how I just pounced at them immediately afterwards. Shirou followed close by too. Seeing us in our wolf form made them shiver and it was only the attacker who ran away not the director.

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