Just bad luck....

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It's been 2 weeks that I've been with this wolf guy, Shirou and I must say he was a decent guy. Althou he never actually wanted to let me notice that he cared about me but I knew just from what he did plus he was somewhat every protective about me. The first week I was in his guest room laying low because of all the injuries but Shirou took care of Abyss and me. On top of that he brought me expensive medicine which worked wonders. I was sure it was Barbara who gave it to him but it was still him who was helping me out. I might be interpreting too much but I was soo sure just how much attention and the closeness to me that he was seeking.

He was also cute and reliable from what I could gather. There wasn't really much information I had on him but he sure was my time what else. Besides he was always there for me for any question and request. 2 weeks might be not much time to get to know each other but it was enough for me to judge a personal by their character.

Shirou: Cassy you awake?

Me: Yeah, give me a minute and I'll be out.

I was currently in my room or the guest room which I made my home for the past 2 weeks and changed into my cloths. It was really early around 5 a.m. but Abyss woke me up because he could sense the restlessness in Shirou and I was about to find out why.

Once I changed I went out of the room and looked at him. 

Me: Morning.

Shirou: Morning. Did I wake you up?

Me: No, Abyss did. So why were you asking for me?

Shirou: I need to head out because of a case and I don't want to leave you here alone.

Me: So I am supposed to go with ya, gotcha!

Shirou: No. I can also bring you to Barbara and you can rest there until I finish work.

Me: No thank you, I am with ya.

It was broing staying inside for the past two weeks and have someone actually genuinely care for me. Did I fall for this beautiful man in front of me? Yes, yes I did. But who could blame me for this.

Just look at the shifter! He was one hot piece of meat.

After he asked me so causally he made sure that I at least had a gun with me to protect myself. Of course he didn't let it go just by that and quickly showed me how to weild a gun too but I knew how to weild one already. I had to learn it to survive. 

Is still didn't know where we were heading but once we arrived at the scene I saw a lot of police man but what was weird was that it was acutally a hospital where they were all gathering.

Me: What's up with this many people?

Shirou: Stay close to me.

Me: Yes but what happened here?

Shirou: They found dead humans here.

Me: Did you say human?

Shirou: Yes, they were deformed but they were humans. 

Me: Deformed as in tortured?

Shirou: I don't know the details yet.

Me: Yeah... I ama stick with ya.

That was what I really wanted to do but you know me and my deadly curiosity or Abyss who just rans off? It was a mix of both. First Shirou was too focused talking with the police officers that I sneaked into the building since I wanted to see what was happening too. It could be connected to the warehouse after all if there were humans involved in it. Besides I was probably the most interrested person in this case since I wanted to finally stop these bad guys from kidnapping innocent people. I just couldn't stand the thought of their deaths by human hands.

However as I was walking around the building, Abyss suddenly ran off too and I followed him very quickly to catch up with m wolf. It was dangerous running around here after all. Tho for some reason we ended up at the back alley of the hospital and I saw some people who were carrying something in a bag.

Me(whispering): Abyss, come here! 

???: A wolf!

???: I smell human!

???: This can't be we eliminated all the humans already.

???: Besides no one survived our experiences.

Wait what!

Did they say experiments?

Are they doing something on humans?

???: No! I am telling you! I smell human! Not this rotten smell the others have.

???: I say we get the heck out of here.

???: Not so fast! I can smell human too!

???: See I told ya!

???: Where is that Bloodhound when you need him?

???: He was right behind me... 

???: He was here a second ago!

Well that is certainly a first!

Are they seeking revenge or something?

This is bad!

I should get out of here before they find me.

This is bad!

I hope I can get out!


Where is Abyss!

He was right next to me!

Where did this wolf run off to now?!

As I was too focused listening to what they were saying I didn't hear or sensed a person walking up beind me. It was way too sudden and I couldn't even escape the grasp but I was grabbed by my hand and thrown right out of my hiding place.

???: I am a bloodhound! My nose is the best and you pretty little girl just got the jackpot!

Ohh shit!


That was all I could say before I was knocked out by a single punch. All I remember was seeing 4 people and the one guy who sneaked up on me. Tho they were clearly shifers and not humans.

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