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Shirou's POV:

Me: Hey!


Wolf: GRRRRR!!

The woman in front of me looked very frail and only now after she collapsed I could see her back. It was completly covered in blood. Originally I thought that the bloody smell in the air was coming from the other humans that killed themselfs with the bomb but that girl was a bloody mess.

These are not wounds she could get just because of the bomb alone!

These are bite marks of a dog!

Was she here to save the kid?

Did I misinterpret something?!

She is a human!

What am I even thinking!

They all just want what is best for them!

There there was the kid that they nearly kidnapped and the boy was definitelly protecting her as he was clinging to my other hand while I cought the girl in front of me. The wolf was definitelly threatening me as that thing already bit me once and now was growling at me with its teeth visible.

Why is the wolf so protective over her?

Never seen a wild wolf do that!

How odd...

Then this child too!


She is just a human!

She came here illegaly!

How can they protect her if she clearly has some motives for coming here!

Me: *Sigh* Can you get back home?

Boy: Yes, Sir but what about Spirit!

Me: I'll take care of her.


Seeing as the wolf was definitelly threatening me, I carefully picked her up and looked at it.

Me: You can bite me as much as you want if I do something wrong. Now stop growling and follow me.

I should get her treated first... and then some answers out of her!

.... She seems to weak and frail for me to handle this situation.

I better get to the mayor.

That mole-rat know all about human and shifters physology.

Just judging by how she looked like, I knew that she needed immediately treatment and so I started running towards the one place I knew she could be treated. It was the mayors place. She was a genius woman who knew a lot and had also a infirmary in the same building.

Me: Hang on!

Now I didn't need another humans death in the city who on top of everything was innocent by what I heard about her. Humans were never that nice to us and it was hard to believe that this human woman was actually rescuing animal shifters from humans outside anima city. There was no reason why she would do that at all.

Thankfully I arrived at the mayors place pretty quickly and went to the upper floor where she was there looking out the window and watching the city from the top. However when I came in, she turned around and paled.

Barbara: Is that Spirit?

It was not a suprise that she knew who this girl was. That naked mole-rat knew everything what was going on in the city as well as in the outside world. She was very well informed for someone who doesn't leave her penthouse that often.

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