Dangerous informations

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I felt a lot of pain when I woke up and I knew that my situation was just shit. BUT it wasn't the first time that I felt like dying at all and I survived it too. However this time I had my concerns about where I was since I clearly remember that I collapsed in front of a stranger in anima city which was bad because I was a human.


This isn't the room Mari braught me too!

I also collapsed on the streat in front of that wolf shifter!

That's not good!

Where did he brought me?

Is he about to turtore me?

Is this where his boss lives?

Ohh I am soo done for!


Knowing this I jumped up and was immediately wide awake. My wolf was right beside me, this was the first thing I checked but then there was another problem. Just from looking all around I could tell that I was in a rather luxury room which didn't fit the bill at all.

Me: Where are we?

Abyss: Arrooo!

???: At my home sweet heart.

The moment I heard somoene say that I was on high allert until I saw who was standing right at the door. It was no other than the mayor from anima city. Not only that but the wolf guy was walking right behind her too. Abyss on the other hand immediately went into a defensive position right in front of me and threatening them.


The mazor?!


How did I even end up here?

Is this her house?

I am a human and illigaly in this city without any registration!

Who knows what she will do to me a human!


I hate humans!

Why can't they see that shifters are like them!

I really hate being one of them too!

I hope I can reason with her but for now let's make abyss stop growling at them.

He sure is protective!

Me: Abyss enough.

Abyss: Wuff!

Me: No, it's okay.

Abyss: Aroof!

Me: I get ya now stop growling.

No one really understood how I could simply comunicate with my wolf like this but I could and I could understand the meaning behind his barking and growling. Maybe it was because I care a lot for him and also he basically grew up with me too. 

Wolf guy: You really got a hang with him.

Me: Abyss that's his name.

Barbara: I am Barbara the Mayor as you might know and this is Shirou Ogami.

Me: I am Cassandra Bolton or also known as Spirit but you know that based on me being here.

Barbara: Indeed and I suggest you lay back down on the couch. You are still hurt. 

Me: I am sorry but why do you care?

Shirou: She was the one that took care of you.

Me: And I want to know the reason. I am a transpasser here and there is no reason at all to even let me stay so why risk to have the government against you for me?

Barbara: Because you saved a lot of our kinds.

Me: So what? It has nothing to do with ya.

Barbara: I understand that you are on guard. You have a lot of enimies and no one can garantue that we are not ones too.

Me: ... 

Barbara: Still I would like it for you to recover before I send you away which I don't plan on doing.

Me: Why? What do you have out of this?

Shirou: We are not that selfish like humans.

Me: But you can be greedy like every other living being!

Shirou: That's why I don't like humans.

Barbara: Please stay.

Me: I kindly decline this offer. If I stay I would put you in a complicated spot.

Barbara: Still thinking about others than yourself.

Me: Well of course I also don't know you or yout motives.

Barbara: I have none dearie and as long as you are hurt you may stay with Shirou here.

Me: Why would I?

Barbara: Do you have a choice?

She was right on that point. I didn't had a choice and I couldn't get Mari into any kind of danger when she helped me out this much. She was my closest friend after all. Besides that she didn't had anywhere to go since she was a shifter too. Humans were always after them and I was at least human and could disguise myself to have a brand new life. Mari didn't had that chance at all.

Me: ....

Barabra: Well let me officially welcome you then in anima city. 

Me: Ahm Thanks.

Barbara: As I said, you will be staying with Ogami here.

Me: Nice to meet ya, I guess.

Shirou: Likewise.

Barabra: Well now that that is off the list, let's move on to another important topic. Cassandra, do you know what happened before you collapsed?

Me: Well I was chasing after Abyss who just ran off.

Shirou: So you don't know the other humans?

Me: No but I have my suspicion.

Barbara: Care to share?

Me: Well you see, before I came here... I found a warehouse with shifters and I was suspecting someone working from here that was bringing them there and they were sold to the highest bidder or get experimented on.

Barbara: That is quite the situation we have if that is true.

Me: I hope this has nothing to do with the warehouse.

Barbara: Shirou take good care of her. Whoever did this might have found out about her being here already.

Me: Wait, you putting me under surveillance?

Barbara: Protection dearie.

Me: I can protect myself!

Barbara: You are still injured and sick. I will not let a weakened person be on their own espeically with so many enemies like you have.

Urg... good point!

I do need someone to back me up.

There are way too many of them and I am still injured.

It's a good offer but with such an offer there must be a catch!

I should watch out for now and accept it.

I nodded at ger and gave up. There wasn't really anything I could do anyways. As she said I was weakened and I had a lot of people after me since I was saving and playing hero to the shifters. Well I believed in their numbers and power too. It was not something I could look over it since they managed to bring shifters to the mainland this easily and in quite the numbers too. 

Me: I'll accpet it. I hope I won't trouble you much.

Shirou: Just don't overdo it.

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